MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Damn, flopping harder than Little Mermai...

Damn, flopping harder than Little Mermaid! $144 million world wide!

That's some slim pickings.

Apparently it cost around 220 million.

It would need around 550 million to be considered profitable (marketing added, cinema chains taking their cut).


How much of that is because Ezra Miller is known to be a psycho, and how much because the film itself is reportedly terrible?

Not that it really matters, because Hollywood is going to blame Miller. It always likes to blame actors instead of writers, directors, and producers, and well. It's not like Miller hasn't made himself a target.


I doubt it's Miller much, the mainstream didn't know much about his shenanigans. I think the characters isn't that great and the trailers didn't do a good job showing the villains, plus superhero fatigue.


I think we can absolutely say that a good lead actor brings in the crowds. Chris Hemsworth is proof of that. Thor isn't that interesting as a superhero but Chris's charm and appeal seems to make it a good bet for producers.

Miller is a non binary criminal, that keeps some away.


Well, if that stupid "Justice League" movie was anything to go by, Miller is terrible in the role and in light material in general.

Apparently he's very good at playing creeps, but when a role calls for a light touch, charm, or a sense of humor... well. He seems to be a huge miscast. They really should have hired some skinny guy with a background in comedy.


may be less as there was very little marketing for this. There were ad spots on tv but I think they said there were only a couple promos with the actors.


Didn't Warner's pay some ridiculous amount for a Superbowl spot?


they did the tv spots. But not an overabundance of commercials like say GOTG3 did. There were no big press tours. With the writers strike there are no late night talk shows so no chance to send people out for interviews. Even if there was no strike, I doubt they would have been promoting it as Ezra is the star. sending all the actors out costs a lot of money as well, so they saved all that. They had a few choices. release it, go yo streaming or dump it. They figured let it out and make few bucks. It's not like there is a big controversy about this, sadly no one seemed to care about it and that hurts even more.
