MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > Where can I get ahold of this movie?!

Where can I get ahold of this movie?!

I work in a movie store, and we don't even have a listing for it under Shutter... neither does the competitor store down the street. Should I be checking under a different title? I really wanna see this... even if I have to be naughty and stream it off the net somehow? Someone let me know please n thanks:)


You can watch the whole movie on Youtube. Check it out.



I'm sure you'd be able to find it in a DVD store. Try another one out of town, if that's possible. (assuming you live in the US, otherwise I don't know)


I bought the movie at Fry's Electronics last year in the foreign section. I don't think it's that hard of a movie to find if you just look for it at a store that has a fairly decent foreign section.


I rented it from Netflix.


I bought mine at Borders...


I just watched it on Time Warner Cable NY - ON DEMAND- for free! It was good!


I just watched it free TWCNYC ON DEMAND too!


Wow, great movie....

Netflix !

