MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > Symbolism of the number '4'

Symbolism of the number '4'

You know that scene where the guy's running down the stairs and everytime he gets to a lower floor it's always level '4'?

I know that in the Chinese culture in Asia (the chinese communitites in singapore, malaysia, china etc) 4 is considered an unlucky number because in Mandarin, and i think a few other chinese dialects, it sounds like the word used for 'death'.

Just wondering if this is also a Thai thing if anyone out there knows?


The way I got it was that they lived on the fourth floor Natre made it so that he couldnt leave the floor nor the building.


I know that in the Chinese culture in Asia (the chinese communitites in singapore, malaysia, china etc) 4 is considered an unlucky number because in Mandarin, and i think a few other chinese dialects, it sounds like the word used for 'death'.

Yes, I'm not sure about Thai but in Cantonese, "four" shares the exact same pronunciation as "death" and "die" which is why it's always a unlucky number.


In Japanese, "shi" means both 'death' and 'four'.


its the same in most chinese dialects...four and death sound the same. It's also the same in japanese...not sure about thai...cuz i dont think the thai language shares the same roots as chinese...maybe viet is more like it


I also thought the significance was the fact that Tun's 'gang' consisted of four people.



I don't think that is the intention of the director at all. I recall in the director comments that it is a co-incident (I watched that quite long ago so I may be wrong).

In Thai, the word die pronounce 'tie'(ตาย) which has nothing to do with 4 or See (similar to sea or see but different tone). However, since 14% of people in Thailand are Chinese descent, we know and use many Chinese word. Most Thai people know that the word die in Chinese pronounce like 4 but we rarely use it or concern it that much. The number we don't like is 6 (hok) which pronounce like fail.

I think the number 4 was what they just pick. It's not too high or too low.

Just my 2 cents


I know that somewhere in Asia 4 is usually skipped as a building floor, so it'd go 1 2 3 5 and so on. It would make the most sense that this was also the case in the film, so the floor didn't even really exist. Not necessarily the case here, but it's one way of looking at it.


I noticed that too and I was coming here to ask the same thing!
