Moral of thestory

So the moral of the story is if you have a weak voice but you are pretty you will succeed. If you are heavy or unattractive no matter your talent you should push brooms all your life in America?


In Curtis' mind, YES!!


Success on your own terms vs. someone else's.


No thats in todays music industry. Thats why there are so many no talent pretty popstars and no great ugly female singers.


I mean can you show me a fat woman who can sing her ass off that isn't really that pretty that is has had a number one album?

I mean the closest you'll get are The Weather Girls and Martha Walsh....and plz don't say JHud because she is a big girl but she's still commercially pretty...she's not like the female equivalent of someone like Ruben me a woman who is at least as big as Ruben or old Luther that is a number one recording the pop and r&b charts.


Aretha Franklin
Mama Cass
Patti Austin
Lead Singer of Heart
There are plenty of men singers but not many women I wonder why.
I understand that there should be novelty acts women who are pretty who cant sing but when it becomes the rule then there is a problem. We miss out on great music and it is just manufactured pop stars with no soul


Adele and Anne Wilson (lead singer in Heart) are both pretty.


I agree I understand that there should be some novelty acts (britney spears etc) but why cant they have great singers who dont rely on looks. THink of all the great female singers who will never see the light of day because of weight or looks.



A Number one pop album in heavy rotation as the like of a Beyonce and Britney Spears or less even say a Katy Perry.

Her album might be number one on the classical charts but not on the pop charts.



"Moral" not "Morale". Two different words.
And this isn't the "moral" of the story, anyway. This is how they portray Curtis as being a snake. HE thought that Effie shouldn't be lead. That's why he's the bad guy. It's not the "moral".

"I'm David Ruffin, and these are the Temptations".


Thanks for correcting my grammar. Im glad you waste your time on grammar mistakes on an online informal board.

I guess people waste time analyzing grammar online. I got to get out more.


"Mistaks" - lol.



You think he wasted 'so much time' noticing your mistake? LOL! It wasn't that hard buddy!



If the film has a moral it would be: don't let your ego get the better of you.


If the film has a moral it would be: don't let your ego get the better of you.

To be fair on Effie, it did seem to be a decision based on commercialism. In order to cross over to a white audience, the group could not have been led by Effie as she is deemed "too" black. So it is not surprising why Effie was offended by the decision.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

