MovieChat Forums > Shazam! (2019) Discussion > Annoying film with annoying characters

Annoying film with annoying characters

Don't understand the high rating for this film. Not funny and very annoying characters and dialogue throughout. It's like it was written by some American college kids. Not a fan of smart alec type characters anyway but at least try and say something clever or witty instead of acting a bit of a doofus and saying "dude" all the time.

The personalities of the kid and the grown up Shazam version didn't even match up. The kid came across moody and as if he were too cool to hang out or talk to his foster family, whereas the other was an overenthusiastic manchild who'd happily fist pump them all. The transition between the two was kind of jarring.

Just a weak movie overall. The one thing that did make me laugh however was the diversity box ticking of the kids.


Did anyone else hear something?


Anything relevant to add?


You obviously didn't.


Another irrelevant comment.


I agree. I tried watching it tonight. I couldnt get into it because the film suffered from an unlikeable protagonist. He was rude to people who were good to him, like the foster family. and he acted like he was better than everyone else.

And the constant “Look at what I did!” once he got the powers got old fast.


I know. It makes it worse when the one selected to be Shazam is supposed to be pure of heart and that kid spent a lot of his time sulking and being rude and mischievous. I think the only good thing he does is get the bullies off his foster brother's tail after almost walking away. Literally anyone else in the movie but the bad guy would have been a better candidate to be sought out by the wizard.

And yeah you're right, that 'seeing what new powers they have' thing might have been fine as a short humorous segment, but not as the entire basis for the comedy in this film.
