MovieChat Forums > Sunshine (2007) Discussion > Greatly enjoyed the film, big quibble ...

Greatly enjoyed the film, big quibble regarding the actual ending....

ie the finale of the film - with the gorgeous score - then cuts to the closing credits with the most jarringly inappropriate song / music.

When my ex gf and I saw this in the cinema in 2007 we would have both liked to have stuck around for the credits and to digest what we had just seen. That jarring cut just left us racing to exit the theatre.

Why would DB / other filmakers do this ?


To get you out of the drowsy state that was induced by the immersion into movie, and back into the "now" quickly. So that you would vacate the theatre for the next batch of viewers, and also so that you could drive home safely.

As far as I'm aware, all (commercial, theatrically released) movies do that: they end with an upbeat music track over the closing credits, in order to get you back into "active" mode.

Keiko Matsui & Carl Anderson - "A Drop of Water"
