MovieChat Forums > Sunshine (2007) Discussion > Wow. Was an amazing movie until the last...

Wow. Was an amazing movie until the last 30 minutes. Put me in a bad mood.

I can honestly say this was the most disappointing ending I've ever seen. I'm actually upset right now. Such a good movie flushed down the toilet for no reason. Probably would have rated it a 7 or 8 but now I'm thinking about a 4 or 5.


I totally agree with you. The music was good as well!


Music was amazing. I need to get the soundtrack.


I respect your opinions, and I promise I'm not trying to sound elitist guys, but I'd be interested to know your thoughts on my post on the third act...

It's on the board, "Why I think you're wrong about the third act".


Completely agree! I was loving it, then it was about to end perfectly until it all went down hill.


Same. One of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen, because the first two thirds were so good. That last act was awful.

All this machine does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks. -- Matt Hooper, JAWS


I agree with you. It was great until it became a slasher flick. That being said, I don't think it was so bad that it deserves a 4 or 5.

[insert witty comment here]


just finished it...agree first hour was good then the sub plot killed it, shaky camera and distorted imagery was lame didnt feel like a Boyle gets a 5 - probably woulsnt rewatch this


This movie indeed had some potential and I agree, the second half of it was not very good.

First of all, I find it pretty annoying that (which we would assume to be) highly trained professional scientists and astronauts fighting each other during a crucial space mission like this. I understand they have been traveling for what I assume to be years and years to reach the sun, but I would expect people picked for this mission to be a little more professional. Especially that guy who committed suicide simply because he made a mistake. One would assume these guys should be much more mentally stable.

Also, with that guy from Icarus I trying to stop them. Who send someone radically religious to a mission like this? It felt like I was watching Aliens, which of course is a good movie, but it does not fit in this movie.

I give it 5/10. I just expected it to be more of a sci fi drama than a sci fi action almost.


He didn't start the mission as a religious radical, he became it after viewing the mostly unfiltered sunlight that was alluded to cause psychological problems when viewed


Yeah this movie lost me a little more than halfway through. As soon as the airlock thing happened it jumped the shark for me... had trouble finishing watching it. Too bad.
