The Grandfather's drug use

I wanted to bring up a conversation regarding the Grandfather's drug use...

He argues that since he is so old and about to die, that using heroine is fine because (I suppose he has enough money to afford) and it, of course feels amazing.

Is there anyone out there who would agree with this view?



I saw Grandpa snorting cocaine, not using heroine. What did you see?


It was supposed to be heroin. It is said in the film. Heroin also comes in white.

Perhaps the most famous film's depiction of misuse of heroin when the person thought it was cocaine, was in "Pulp Fiction." Uma Thurman's character is way into coke, and when she finds white powder in her companion's jacket, she snorts the amount she is used to. Except it is heroin. Needless to say, she reacts to it badly.

As for the OP, I'm not of the opinion elderly people should be more likely to do drugs. While they may not have a lot of the same responsibilities as younger people, such as jobs to lose if their drug use gets out of hand, they can still pay prices for it. Missing out on relationships, blowing through money, having personality or mood changes, early death, all can result regardless of the age. But what if the person doeant do much and can "handle it?"

Well, I'm of the opinion most administrations of drugs should be legalized, and adults can choose to use them at their own risk. I think the facts of hardcore drugs are enough to keep most people away; it's not it being illegal so much, and I find policing what people put in their bodies, regardless of stage in adulthood is wrong. (The war on drugs is a total disaster and criminalizing possessors does little to help true addicts.) But no, I don't think elderly people should be into drugs anymore than younger adults.


he should have taken up golfing instead. it's an all natural high.



Ok...I've always said this haha. If i live to be 80, I may just try everything! I've actually tried a lot already... But I can't mess w all that as I have too much to lose. But hell... By then I'll have no responsibilities, no prospects, and I will have earned some me time haha. If i die at 85 due to drugs vs living sober to 100...WHAT would I have missed those last 15 years?! Haha


I think it's valid. We take away their driving licence and give them a drug licence.
