MovieChat Forums > Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Discussion > Did anyone else almost vomit when....

Did anyone else almost vomit when....

When you saw those little pageant girls(the ones Olive was competing against). That was probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen and I've seen two girls one cup.


I HAVEN'T seen "two girls, one cup" (nor am I asking for insights on the matter haha) but I have to agree with you; that was horrifying. It appears that no one has bothered telling these girls there was something morally wrong about doing beauty pageants - with bikini competitions - when you're an infant.

Scary, indeed.


"It appears that no one has bothered telling these girls there was something morally wrong about doing beauty pageants - with bikini competitions - when you're an infant."

It's not the girls' fault - they are only babies! - it is the PARENT'S fault. Someone needs to talk to the parents, not the children. When I was a little girl I loved dressing up in fancy clothes and showing off, but I wouldn't have had a clue what sexy meant or that it was inappropriate. I was only allowed to do 'fashion shows' at home, not in front of an audience, because my mum knew better. Most kids love performing in fancy dress, it is up to the parent to ensure it is not inappropriate.

"Who can say if I've changed for the better. But because I knew you I have been changed for good."



Why exactly the OP thinks it's "morally wrong for little girls to compete in beauty pageants"?

my vote history:


Did you see that one girl who looked EXACTLY like a Barbie doll?? HIDEOUS! And those are real pageant girls! Parents actually do this crap to their kids!

I agree, it was pretty messed up.

"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"



One of them looked like a walking talking version of "Bride of Chucky"


Eh, at least it keeps the pedophiles busy.


But, but... I always think it is forbidden in such competitions for children under 12 to show themselves in swimsuites?



These kind of competitions scare the crap out of me every time I see a show or documentary about them. Small girls all dressed up like barbie-dolls. In some cases they even look like borderline prostitutes with all their makeup and a bit to revealing clothes. Horrible!! I just can't see how any parents wants that for their daughter.
I feel sorry for the girls, they are beautiful but with all that makeup they just look plastic and unreal.

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either


That's why I thought it so funny that the only normal girl in the competition is singing I'm a super freak and been looked upon disgustingly by the real super freaks.

If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.


Keep in mind this movie was made BEFORE Toddlers and Tiaras, so it was probably even more shocking in 2006.


Agree. And did anyone make the connection between them and the porn-loving cop?

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


These kind of competitions scare the crap out of me

exactly my feeling when I watch this scene, is creepy as frog s...! but I have to admit it also makes my laugh a lot, this movie is brilliant, it has the perfect amount of black comedy with family drama, I love it.

I'm not mad, I just been in a very bad mood for the last 14 years
