MovieChat Forums > Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Discussion > How could they let her get on stage look...

How could they let her get on stage looking so frumpy?

I know they were rushed for time, but her hair was in a low ponytail with an enormous mismatching scrunchie. And how did she even come in second place in her first pageant??

I get the message the film is trying to send, and I do think it's really funny. But I don't understand how she could have gotten on stage in the first place, or why her mom would send her up there looking like a normal kid among all those beauty queens. There are rules for glitz pageants, and they basically broke all of them.



The mother doesn't know the rules; she sees and is perplexed by the little girls getting their hair teased and getting spray tanned and airbrushed, and figures they're the weirdos. She just wants to let her kid do what she wants as long as she isn't hurting anyone, and Olive seems oblivious to the extreme vanity surrounding her, which is just fine by the mother (remember the ice cream scene in the diner). And I guess the reason the pagaent people didn't stop her was because they were just tech hands, rather than people who REALLY cared about the rules of the pageant. Also, what are you going to say to a child? "Sorry, you can't perform because you're too ugly and don't know how to act sexy."?




You are shocking.

You are saying that a little girl who looks like an average little girl is "frumpy".



next to the primped up girls, she did look frumpy. but it's a reflection on the way they looked, not on her, herself


The other pageant girls looked like creepy freaks. Olive was the only girl who looked normal and cute.


they looked like mini fembots. yuck


I got the idea that the first pageant Olive was in was very low key and very small. It may not have been on the same "level" as the Little Miss Sunshine pageant, and it may have been easy for to finish second based on the low number of people in competition. Plus, they did say that her cousin or a family friend took her to the first one, so we don't know if they had a better knowledge of pageants and dressed her up more for it.

And why wouldn't her mom have sent her up there? She says it best to Frank and the others trying to stop her-"we have to let Olive be Olive." She loved performing, she had practiced for weeks. It would have been a horrible thing for her mom to pull her out of the competition because the other girls were more dolled up.


In the musical, they said there was only three contestants and the third place winner was in a wheelchair/had a broken leg (sorry I don't remember the exact details I saw it over two years ago)
