another fail

Quirky but solid until the all-important Miss Sunshine contest, when it fell apart. Olive's dancing was obscene, even considering that her lecherous grandpa taught her "the moves" (can you imagine how that would look on film?). The movie seemed to be trying to show the unwholesome grotesquerie of child beauty contests by concentrating on the lewd "baby doll" makeup on the young contestants ... but then it reveals Olive's sketch, which was more disturbing and gross than anything that went before it. Then it capped the outrage by having the whole family dancing on stage. The whole lesson of family solidarity and following your dreams was utterly trashed by the dance stage climax: pure, inexcusable, unadulterated, over the top, adolescent crap.


The final dance was pretty much the whole point and punchline to the film.
Also, the word is 'failure'. Grow up and stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed into substituting the English language for internet memes. I don't know it's "another" either - is it a sequel to something? No.
The film is overrated though - being 'indie' in style (yet with world-famous actors) seems to have fooled people into raving about it.


I think you're kind of over thinking it and putting to much emphasis on the actual pageant. It's slightly anticlimactic (you wish just a little more would happen) but that's the greatness of it. Leaving the movie wanting more was good in this case. The dynamics of the family were set up through the road trip, so by the time the pageant comes the character development is phenomenal. You see how much different the Hoovers are than everyone else there, that was the whole point, not to objectify anything. After all of their struggles-franks attempted suicide, their impending debt, grandpas death, Dwayne's dreams crushed, and at the end they're able to put it all beside them, get up on that stage, and be themselves. Just like we should in life. Don't take life too seriously and dance when you want and don't worry what people think. That was the message, they weren't trying to make some crazy statement about little girls being objectified at pageants, it was just meant to be a contrast to Olive.


