MovieChat Forums > Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Discussion > Parents who prostitute their children in...

Parents who prostitute their children into beauty pageants...

to improve their own self-worth should be beaten with a piece of bicycle chain and then crucified.

Boycott Spider-Man 4


yeah its absolutely sick

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return


It's inhumane


OH, but don't yah know? According to the parents (i.e. mothers) of these kids, "They just LOVE being dressed up [like dolls] and made up [to look like mini-adults], and sing and dance and act, and win their little crowns!"

Don't yell at me, lol, I'm in agreement with all of you. I think it's sick to do what these mothers do. I'm just quoting what many of them say about their children and pageants.


Has the incident of Jonbenet Ramsey taught us nothing???

"Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!" Basil Fawlty


Well I just looked up her case on Wiki and while I also abhor the pageants, I don't see a connection other than perhaps a pushy, pressuring mom. I have a theory that two elements have given rise to pageant culture:

1. Nowadays you don't need costly lessons and other extracurriculars that this demographic (lower income?) can't afford. Anyone can turn on YouTube, copy a bunch of moves and work it into a routine, have their friend or relative make a glitzy costume, and as long as you have the wherewithal to get there, your kid can enter...

2. ...and possibly earn cash, which is this demographics way of thumbing its nose at the richer folks who can send their kids to college. The pageant demographic is saying, "We'll just teach our daughters to get by on her smile" (i.e., looks, ability to exude implied sexual availability), a shortcut, if you will, to getting somewhere in life for those who don't have the resources to fund their kid's "upper-class" track.

What do others think?

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!



Uh, BloodMeridan, are you serious?

Sarah Silverman Is Magic

Amanda Bynes is hot, Lindsay Lohan is not


well better to let them participate in social contests than having them rot away in front of television all day, which is what most children do nowadays I'd say..


So true. Those smug parents who believe they possess some faux superiority by not pressuring their children to do something, so they end up failing at life because they never tried anything. Hypocrisy is astounding.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.


"Prostitution" is a bit of a stretch. Have you been to a pageant? I could careless about them, but from everything I've seen, it's not like there's a room full of pedophiles. Mostly the spectators are just judges/staff and contestants' families. Furthermore, contestants attire is no different than what you'd see kids wearing in public spaces, like at a beach, waterpark, etc.

All that really should matter is if the kids want to do it.

By your logic the family should've got beat for letting Olive compete.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.


The beauty pageant segment was cringe worthy as it was meant to be. Their shallowness was emphasised when they walked out of Olive's performance over its supposed vulgarity, ignoring the exploitation of their own children.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


Well, yes. I was being facetious, but my outlandish remarks were an attempt to point out how f@cked up these silly child pageants are, and how morally bankrupt we are as a society.


I'm not morally bankrupt, but yeah, society is.
