MovieChat Forums > Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Discussion > Child beauty pageants in the USA are DIS...

Child beauty pageants in the USA are DISGUSTING

The fact they exist is revolting in itself, whoever green-lit that idea should be executed by hanging!

There's nothing more off-putting than seeing girls under 10 in skimpy costumes doing dances for the delectation of adults, it just turns on those with certain sexual desires.

Yes, Olive's lewd dance was taught to her by her dirty foul-mouthed grandfather who died on the road trip to the pageant, but that still doesn't excuse the rest of her family joining her in the "Super Freak" dance at the end... or perhaps it does, to highlight the hypocrisy behind such events, even if it finally united the family and brought them all on the same wavelength.

Aside from pointing out the potential harm of child beauty pageants in the USA, which I applaud them for, what was the point of this movie? The reunification of a family no-one will ever remember?


Beauty in the US is incredible.


I severely doubt it.


The adult beauty industry isn't much better!

But child beauty pageants are horrible on SO many grounds, like, they offer a bit of prize money but turn massive profits by charging the parents huge fees for participating, in the hopes of winning prize money. It's always a net loss for the parents. And then there's the fact that most of the participants are competitive bitch women, who are engaging in a parenting contest - trying to prove that they can breed and train a better child than their rivals. And then, there are the pedos...


I found this movie on a cheap DVD and remembered it made a lot of fuss back when it came out, but I also remembered that it was one of those artsy-fartsy "film festival" movies like Cannes, so I wasn't sure if it would appeal to me. And no, it didn't. The road trip was fine, but the destination... UGH!

