MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Wow.. This fan theory blows my mind

Wow.. This fan theory blows my mind

Danny archer (Dicaprios character) had HIV. Very interesting. Suss it out and share thoughts!


My take on it is that Danny as a white man is often mistaken as a tourist and he's been told many times by local prostitutes that they don't have HIV. To an intelligent person Danny Archer with HIV contributes NOTHING to the plot. He, like the warlord, hates Africa and wants out.



So? Shouldn't fan theories give new insight into a plot? This changes nothing about the plot and there's certainly nothing "mind-blowing" about that.

"The things you own end up owning you." - Fight Club


I'll play...Archer says he's "heard that 1 B 4" when told "no HIV" by a prostitute...then his subsequent "teasing" of Maddy (Connelly) when she makes it clearer & clearer 2 him she's N 2 him...then Archer rejects the notion of getting on the plane 2 leave Africa after telling Maddy she "shoukd get on that plane"...she tells him "so should U"...He doesn't do it when it's a viable option if he wants out so bad cuz he wants 2 spare her from his I'm pretty close?????

Actually Archer is a soldier and soldiers finish their objectives!


Lol this fan theory is stupid af


Yes, this is an awesome and very interesting fan thoery.

There are a few reasons I like it so much:

(1) It makes a lot of Archer's actions make a lot more sense:
- His reckless behavior and invincibility in certain situations;
- Even Archer's armed and unarmed conflicts display a need to end things quickly, possibly because of a perception that time is running out;
- The time he spent in the bush, tracking Africans;
- His desire and need to get a big payday before he gets too sick;
- Refusing to let Solomon touch him when he was shot;
- Archer leaving the military unit he was a part of;
- Archer's refusal to quit smoking even though "it will kill him";
- "No HIV", "I've heard that before"... Redditor Zekekermit said, "My wife asked me this the first time she watched it (2nd for me) when he said "heard that before". I never gave it much thought, but its a great theory and It explains his desperation. That scene when he first approaches Soloman, "I dont give a *beep* about you! ..." and proceeds to beg to let him help."

And some I recently thought of:
- "TIA" always had a fatalist ring to it, and the abbreviations remind me of the death-sentence of "HIV";
- Blood's prevalent role throughout the film;
- Archer dying on the hill, like "just another black man in Africa", with an interesting role reversal with Solomon, the black African, heading off to England on the plane. A bit of a stretch, but whatever... there's something there. It's late.


The commentary on the DVD makes it very clear that this movie is about conflict 'blood' diamonds
