MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > will Africa ever be a first world contin...

will Africa ever be a first world continent

I believe it will oneday, although Africa at the moment may seem completely hopeless i believe it will oneday sort out it's problems, what Africa needs is to go back to colonial rule and then once the black Africans are finally ready to govern themselves they can have the rule handed back over to them again.

It's going to happen soon in the future aswell, China is taking over Africa and will recolonise Africa.

Anyway what do you think, do you think Africa will ever be a first world continent like Europe and have the same standards of living as Europe.

Tell me what you think


Someday maybe, but a long way off. I'll never see it is my guess. I do disagree with you on the idea of recolonizing parts of Africa. Many of the problems that currently plague the continent can be traced back to the colonial era. The majority of the borders on the African continent were drawn by
Europeans who had very little real knowledge of the problems that those borders would create. Forcing people of differing ethnic backgrounds, religion and language to share a country causes countless problems, especially when those areas are prone to shortages in commodities necessary for human life (food, water, exports, jobs, etc.).

For so long, the vast majority of Africans have lived as pawns in a world controlled by others be they wealthier and more powerful Africans, Arabs, Europeans, Americans, or now as you've mentioned Chinese. Most of Africa has never seen a situation where large numbers of individuals have the ability to shape their own destiny. We in the West and other parts of the world enjoy good education, an abundance of resources and jobs, plentiful food, and a system of laws that allow us to build a life that is perhaps different from those of our parents. Most Africans lead a very different life, meaning that progress is slow, and it takes only a handful of madmen (Qadaffi, Idi Amin, Charles Taylor, Foday Sankoh, and countless others) to undo what little progress is made and in fact cause devastating moves in the wrong direction.

Years of colonial oppression, followed by countless power struggles that emerged in the vacuums left when the colonial powers granted their colonies independence, have sapped the creative spirit and motivations from much of the continent. It will take a long time to recover. Africans need to stand up for themselves and work together to build a better future. Cliche as hell, I know, but it's really up to them, not to us.

That's why I disagree with you about recolonization. It would be the same thing all over again regardless of the more compassionate and wordly policies practiced by most of the European and American governments these days. Africa is still adapting to its freedom and independence, and after so long under the heel of others, that is not an easy thing to get through. Until a greater number of Africans realize that they can shape their own destiny in a positive way, they will not truly be free. I'm not expert on the subject, that's just the way I see it.


Thanks for your reply, i like what you said.


NO. because it doesnt benefit the Anglo-British-Dutch Empire that it become first world. It is by design. It isnt that it will never be first world, it simply is dominated by An empire, and will continue to be..unfortunately.


the Anglo-British-Dutch Empire

There is no such thing.


If you live in Africa it will probably be you're first continent


Well no situation is permanent. Rome, England, China, India, the US have all shown that things change.


Africa was fine till we colonized it and exploited the land and people like barbarians, we came there and simply drew the borders on the map so years later when we left the native people were left divided and split up in the different countries we created, it really is insane when you think about it.

The only reason Africa is still a third world country is because we sustain it, Africa is rich in recources so how come it's so poor? That's because of us, we created that structural damage that's fundamental to their reason for having civil war and conflict. Then i'm not even talking about us supplying them with weapons and exploiting their recourses till this day

Imagine a foreign country invading the US, drawing a vertical line down the middle and say ''Black people live west, white people live east''. 50 years later they leave and say ''it's all yours again'' wouldn't the people from, for example, former New York go back there and have their city/state back? Can you imagine the massive chaos that would be left behind when the invaders leave and expect them to still live like they imagined it?

The biggest mistake the first world makes is thinking Africa can't govern themselves, they can, they just can't do it within the borders we set for them. I think in stead of sending food supplies and third country help that we do now we should really go back to the basic structure and find out who's living in this country? which groups want to live here? Which people want to live together and which do not? Black people aren't one group, they have diffent ''tribes'' too just like white people (Europe is a good example for this). A complete restructure of the borders and countries within the continent is, i think, essential for the rebirth of Africa


Africa was fine till we colonized it

Who the hell is "we"? You might have hand a hand in colonizing Africa but I (and the vast majority of the world) did not.


Are you sure you have your centuries and planets sorted out?

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.


Nope. Due to the "Paradox of Plenty". Africa's such a resource-rich continent, that it's the biggest target for plunder. Outsiders have built great fortunes off of Africa's material riches, while it remains the poorest continent in the world. That will not change because the IMF will make sure of it.

The United States was built on the backs of African slaves. So, it's not just the gold, the diamonds, the oil, the ivory, and the ores. It includes human resources as well.


Yeah, they are blessed without comparison: they have vegetation, gold, DIAMONDS and even oil. One day, they will finally take advantage of what they have. Hopefully that day will come sooner rather than later, that people deserve it for what they've been trough.

now this is acting:



People need to be left to their own devices. Europeans should never have gone there to colonize, and they never should have gone there to repair it. If people in many parts of Africa will lead what seems like "primitive" lives, living in the huts that Solomon and his family lived in, so be it. They need to be left in peace, live by their own customs, own laws, and on their own land.


Not in this century or probably even the next. I'm personaly fed up in hearing of African issues being blamed on the West, whites or colonialism. Having been born and raised there, I have witnessed enough to realise that Africa will not progress until its' people become accountable for their own actions & stop blaming everything and everyone else.

It's a shame, Africa is such a beautiful continent with much to offer, most of its' inhabitants are very good, kind people.


Yeah, they are blessed without comparison: they have vegetation, gold, DIAMONDS and even oil. One day, they will finally take advantage of what they have. Hopefully that day will come sooner rather than later, that people deserve it for what they've been trough.
That sounds fine and dandy, but in practice, every time they try that their governments get overthrown. Read about Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara and Samora Machel and Gamal Abdel Nasser and all the great African liberation struggles where the peoples of Africa tried taking their resources into their own hands so they could develop their own countries for their own people and then were terrorized by the imperialist powers and their comprador proxies until their experiments failed and their countries reverted back to the IMF-imposed neo-colonial order.

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


Considering that technically Europe and North America are not entirely first world continents I doubt it...
