Saddest Ending Ever !!!

I think this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It has action, violence, romance and historical basis.

I own the movie. I have seen it many times. But that final scene on the mountain where Leo's character calls Jennifer's character makes me cry everytime - even when I just watch that one scene.


The impression I get is; Danny Archer (Leo's character) has fought his whole life to get out of Africa with a future somewhere else. He has never experienced the joys that many take for granted - like family, love, peace, security, etc. When he finally gets a chance to succeed at reaching his goal he gets killed.
Meeting Maddy Bowen (Jennifer's character) gave him his first chance to be with a woman who loved him for who he was. But he was so intent on achieving his goal and, he was delayed in appreciating her because of his cynical attitude as a result of his difficult life, that he never really appreciated what they had.
After all that, when facing death he makes a heroic decision to help Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou's character) and his family and he calls Maddy to say good bye and ask her to help Solomon. The scene where Maddy tells Danny, "Where are you? I'll come get you." tears me up everytime.



See the long list of replies? That's how much people care.

Maddy: There are only two children listed on the manifest.
Archer: (hopelessly) ..Oh, Christ.



See the long list of replies? That's how much people care."

What were you implying?

This is an old movie. There is not much action on this message board. Just because no one replies doesn't mean that no one is reading it. They may read it and agree and feel there is nothing more to add. They may read it and feel that that is my opinion and I have the right to it. They may not disagree strongly enough to warrant a response. They may have not seen the movie yet and want to see it and form their own opinion.


Don't worry, I feel your point, it doesn't make me cry but I can see why it would. I always take it to mean that he has been trying to get out of Africa but he realises then that he was never going to and that he is another pawn in the big game and will die where and how he always was supposed to, adding more red to the dirt, he tries to redeem his errors with one final good deed and accepts his fate as he feels after all he's done wrong he doesn't deserve the glory.

Don't worry bout that other commenter, he's a prick and from his other thread clearly thinks he knows a lot more about movies than he really does.


clearly thinks he knows a lot more about movies than he really does.

Bravo. Yes, that is it. That is clearly it.

I'm confused to your point. All I was getting was how much people spill their emotions out on the net screaming 'OH MY GOD!' and explaining the thoughts behind it as if they weren't intended or picked up by anyone who's watching the film.


"I'm confused to your point. All I was getting was how much people spill their emotions out on the net screaming 'OH MY GOD!' and explaining the thoughts behind it as if they weren't intended or picked up by anyone who's watching the film."

What I have learned through studying psychology is that it is healthy to express one's feelings, it is healthy to share them with others and it is healthy to find out what others' reactions and opinions are. That must be the reason why people participate on message boards such as this.

I specifically saw this movie alone and I never talked about it with anybody for a number of reasons, one being that the movie was old when I saw it.

What are you implying? You never share your feelings with anybody? You have no interest in anybody else's opinion, thoughts of feelings?


Thank you for generally agreeing with me "TreelDeal" and specifically stating your point of view concerning this movie.

I wasn't sure what "TrentReznorandAtticusRoss" was saying in his/her post. But he/she responded to your post and I replied to his/her's.

I am curious. I notice a lot of posters on the internet use a S where I was taught to use a Z. I see you spelled "realises" with a S. I was taught to spell that word "realizes" with a Z. Is that because you are from a different country than I am? Other examples of this are civilization and criticize. I see a lot of posters on the internet spell those words civilisation and criticise. I was just curious.


Yeah I think in the Uk people use s, some words can just be spelt either way but some are region specific


You look pretty stupid now that there actually is a long list of replies


Oh my god i love your post.. the last scene made me cry. It was so sad. He almost had it but couldn't live to see it. It got me so bad. This post is beautifully put....


“Oh my god i love your post.. the last scene made me cry. It was so sad. He almost had it but couldn't live to see it. It got me so bad. This post is beautifully put....“

Thank you “mz_purfection”. I appreciate you agreeing with me. I appreciate your passion and I appreciate you complementing my attempt at expressing what I felt while watching this movie. Thank you !!!

(I clicked the box that supposed to automatically email me whenever anyone responds to any of my post, but it doesn’t always work. I would have responded earlier but I only found your reply by accident.)


Yes, that was sad. To me, the saddest part happened well before the end of the film when he and Maddy looked at each other and finally both realized that this was it, they were meant to be together, she would follow him anywhere and ... he walks away.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


“Yes, that was sad. To me, the saddest part happened well before the end of the film when he and Maddy looked at each other and finally both realized that this was it, they were meant to be together, she would follow him anywhere and ... he walks away.”

Thank you for sharing what you thought of this movie and, the ending more specifically.

You thought the final in person good bye was sadder? Did you feel this even before you knew the ending?


No I didn't know the ending before I thought that. I wrote that today, watched the film for the first time last night.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


“No I didn't know the ending before I thought that. I wrote that today, watched the film for the first time last night.”

Why do you think it was sad for you if you did not know at the time whether or not they would see each other again?


I felt sad after watching the entire film, in retrospect. I recall him leaving without her and I wondered if they would see each other again. When in the film was ending and he called her by sat-phone, I realized he was saying goodbye.

Then after the film ended, I felt sad that he chose the wrong path, one that had stubbornly been on for probably most of his life, but that ended without her and in his death.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


“I felt sad after watching the entire film, in retrospect. I recall him leaving without her and I wondered if they would see each other again. When in the film was ending and he called her by sat-phone, I realized he was saying goodbye. “

“Then after the film ended, I felt sad that he chose the wrong path, one that had stubbornly been on for probably most of his life, but that ended without her and in his death.”

So, we both felt sad at the end. But you thought back to the last face to face good bye and remembered that you wondered if they would ever see each other again. Then, you felt he choose the wrong path.

I didn’t feel, and don’t feel that way. I never wondered during their last in person good bye if they would ever see each other again. And, I never felt he made the wrong choice. He was determined to overcome the challenge of Africa on his own and get out on his own terms, so he could be proud of himself.
He didn’t want to let Maddie rescue him. That would have robbed him of the reward of smuggling the valuable pink diamond out of Africa so he could be his own man and make his own way. That was heroic. Letting Maddie rescue him from Africa would have been less impressive.
The fact that he was trying to earn his own way, was more dramatic, impressive and it made it sadder for me.


No it was not the saddest ending ever. Get a grip fruit cake.



Ok, fruit loop. What is the saddest ending ever since the OP's opinion and feelings are wrong?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Thanks chilone for your attack on Fedorevsky. I think he is angry because I have the courage to express my feelings and he doesn't. I guess he thinks it is not manly or something.


Fedorevsky took a powder in 2014. A response isn't likely but I'm glad I could be of service.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Fedorevsky took a powder in 2014. A response isn't likely but I'm glad I could be of service.

Maybe he felt out of place with all these people expressing their thoughts and feelings.

(I went back and spelled your username correctly. Auto correct changed it to children. Sorry.)


Hahaha! I was wondering about that :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


The auto correct on my smartphone is not as smart as the auto correct with Microsoft Word on my computer. But my smartphone is more convenient to use. But the auto correct on here can be aggravating.

I hope you were not insulted.


No it was not the saddest ending ever. Get a grip fruit cake.

Ah Fedorevsky, don't get angry because I have the courage to express my feelings and you don't. Believe it or not, anger is a feeling also.


To the contrary: this film has a very happy ending. Solomon was reunited with his family.( His son was probably never quite sane after what he'd endured but we the film doesn't show that.)

Archer was more or less living on borrowed time since he was a teenaged soldier. Most of his comrades that conflict were dead. His parents had been murdered when he was a child. Archer was a cynical man who'd seen too much bloodshed-some of it by his own hand-to fear death himself. And because he spoke to Maddy at the end he wasn't really alone.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


To the contrary: this film has a very happy ending. Solomon was reunited with his family.( His son was probably never quite sane after what he'd endured but we the film doesn't show that.) 

Archer was more or less living on borrowed time since he was a teenaged soldier. Most of his comrades that conflict were dead. His parents had been murdered when he was a child. Archer was a cynical man who'd seen too much bloodshed-some of it by his own hand-to fear death himself. And because he spoke to Maddy at the end he wasn't really alone.

Well, that is a different overly optimistic take on this movie. Certainly you can understand why some people would feel for the Leo character.


Agree. I'm not the crying type but I loved this movie. Love all Leo's movies, but wish he would do more like this. Blood Diamond is my favourite.


I cried endlessly in that scene and in 2 other scenes: when he asked her to distract the soldier so he could steal some equipment and she said she wanted to go with him, and (after I knew the ending) when she gave him her phone numbers. His life and Salomon's life were so hard that whenever I watched the movie I was sad many days afterwards; my heart sank.


Thanks for agreeing. I haven't seen all his movies. But of the ones I have seen, this is my favorite.


I wish you were here,Maddy....


That is the line that got you? I will have to go back and watch it again. I lent it to my neighbor. She refuses to give it back because she watches it over and over herself. (I am sure she will let me "borrow it".)


OP: Heh, good thread and very true. I tear up every time I see that scene. It just touches on the most basic and most important of human emotions.

After all... tomorrow is another day.


Sometimes just for affect, I put that DVD in and just watch that scene. It gets me everytime.

Once I watched it with my girlfriend. Even though I had seen it many times, I was embarrassed by my reaction. I could not help it. Turned out to have the opposite effect than what I feared. She said she appreciated me having feelings.


OP: Heh heh, women.

After all... tomorrow is another day.
