Maddy's camera

Does anyone know what kind of camera (make and model) Maddy used - the one she apparently kept in her bag?


I'm pretty sure I saw "Nikon" on the lens during the scene at the end when she photographs Solomon getting into the car with Simmons in London, but I have no idea what particular model it was.


Its explained in the trivia!


In the END she was shooting with a Nikon SLR (with a telephoto lens). In the BEGINNING the camera she carried in her bag was a rangefinder , not a SLR. I didn't see a brand ID on it.
I -don't think- digital cameras were in use at the time the movie was set so they were probably film cameras.


Looks like that one. Nikon F-801.


This reminds me to point out how dumb it was that she was taking pictures from the other side of a chain link fence, yet magically the pics it showed did not have it showing. lol.
