MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > What are you suppose to do if you find o...

What are you suppose to do if you find out you have a blood diamond?

I vaguely remember there was that case some years ago in the Netherlands (the Naomi Campbell one)where some woman was accused of being in possession of a blood diamond, but what are you suppose to do with it? Put it in a ziplock bag and call the police? Good thing I'm a penny pincher and I only go for zirconiums.

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."-Brooke Shields


First, you alert the team searching for it. They seem doubtful at first, but you have extrordinary memory. You go back into agonizing detail about the story of how the diamond came into your possession. This takes about 3 or 4 hours. After forcing them to listen through the story, you leave them. You then proceed to throught the diamond they have dedicated many years searching for into the ocean. You're a bltch Rose.


I wanted to drop her in the fugging ocean, dingbat old bag. Oh yeah, keep it.


go to your nearest bar, and open a tab!

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


almost every diamond is blood diamond, almost all diamonds have to go through racist evil israel for manufacturing. but the movie did dare to show but a glimpse of a small jewish hat.


Nice fact-finding there, simple Google search tells you that around 10% of the worlds diamonds pass through Israel while 70-75% pass through India and the remaining percentage is handled in Belgium which makes Israel third among the 3 biggest diamond cutting countries.


are you sure? the jeweler told me otherwise. is there any other processes, other than simply cutting?


Buy a Canadian diamond. A big part of their appeal is that they are guaranteed to be conflict free.


There aren't any absolute guarantees. The Kimberley Process is voluntary and easily flawed. It's a paper trail that can be altered at any time.
The money for the legal sale of diamonds is still not benefiting many areas of which it was already supposed to have.

Many that were forced to work in the mines during the conflict are still working in the mines because they have no other means of support or industry. They live in extreme poverty and don't have schools in certain areas that were promised to have been built. There were too many to prosecute so they only went after the highest ranked. Many now live near those that cut off their hands and/or killed their children.

The diamond trade only makes the rich wealthier.


Buy a Canadian diamond.

Stop buying diamonds! Any woman that needs/wants them is a stupid b!tch. Run from her. Do not buy diamonds, if not because of the inevitable oppression and blood shed, because they are basically worthless. You are getting ripped off royally and supporting sadistic greedy a$$holes who are already insanely wealthy.


Blame Africa for their inability to get their collective spit together.


Sell it and donate the proceeds to a reputable charity.


What if I find out that the diamond that I just bought is a blood diamond that someone sold to me and donated the profits?
