MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Dark Knight Rises beats this

Dark Knight Rises beats this

Acoording to IMDB it has 8,6 while this only scores an 8. Personaly I enjoyed this much more.


Me too but you have to realise Batman is an institution. We all grew up with him on the screen going back to the days of black and white television. So-called social or political 'commentaries' are usually fly by nights. They're popular when in the theater but often ignored on the video shelf. I don't know the figures but I'll bet TDKR has been shown more times on TV than BD.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


This film totally annihilates TDKR in film making art. I never think too much about IMDb ratings vs other movie ratings but knowing TDKR has a higher rating than Blood Diamond makes me angry. TDK was a great movie, much better than TDKR and still it wasn't quite as good as Blood Diamond. IMDb people are weird.


The Dark Knight Rising is not a proper movie (it's merely a series of badly directed scenes mashed together without any sense or meaning) so I don't see why we should compare it to actual movies like Blood Diamond.

Blood Diamond has it's flaws, like the terrible "lovestory" and DiCaprio's odd attempts at emoting and doing a South African accent. However it all comes together forming a proper film with a story and characters. The Dark Knight Rising on the other hand is an unwatchable mess. Only children and emotionally stunted or severtely brain damaged adults would ever claim otherwise.



Well said.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.



The Dark Knight Rising is not a proper movie (it's merely a series of badly directed scenes mashed together without any sense or meaning) so I don't see why we should compare it to actual movies like Blood Diamond.

you have to laugh at just how biased people can be. ohh this is the board for blood diamond, a mediocre movie that not many people remember, so we have to bash other movies for achieving a higher score. tdkr is a ridiculous comparison to make. the scenes made complete sense, given some of the fight sequences were not so well constructed. it was superbly directed, whether or not you like the plot/story/acting regardless. its just people expect far too much from a guy who awed audiences with his previous batman film. the guy got lucky and now nobodies on here think they can do a better job. yeah, right.

that's like saying, I think (so and so movie) was poorly directed because I didn't like it. what sense does that make?

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you


You have to laugh at someone coming here commenting on a board for a movie they call mediocre. By the way a sentence starts with CAPITAL letters (shift buttons broken perhaps?). I like the batman franchise movies but they are merely entertainment while movies like BD has entertainment plus substance.


You have to laugh at someone who likes to state their opinion as fact.

BD is mindless entertainment imo, tons of explosions with a message, i'll give you that one. the dark knight is a very poignant film, corruption, evil and also ascertains a weighty political theme. infact tdk and tdkr are both very meaningful films.

okay, I understand you like bd a lot!! and you will defend it to no end, that's fine most people do that with stuff they love. if you love the movie then I respect that, but I cant help but laugh at it. dicaprio is my favorite actor I just didn't like the movie, like I didn't like Gatsby.

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you


the dark knight is a very poignant film

If you meant it filled you with regret, I agree.
If you meant it made you sad, LoL!


I am Batman fan, but not fond for TDKR. BD is way better film, I gave it 8/10


i gave dkr 1/10 and this 3/10, i wanted to give it 2, but i gave it three for the little jewish hat, kind of brave.


"little jewish hat"


i'm glad that parrots can use the computers now. though you look like sean bean.
