plot holes anyone ?

1. Why not call in the air strike on the camp, then wait it out, and get the diamond after everyone's gone ?
2. Danny kills the colonel; him, Solomon and Dia run for their lives; soldiers are in pursuit for a loooong time: why can't they just use the damn helicopter to get them in seconds ?
3. And Danny's buddy's plane seemed to be just over the hill - would it be so hard for Solomon to carry Danny the extra 100 meters ?


For #3 Solomon wanted to, but Danny said no more. You do make a good point on the first 2.


re 3 : you're right... so on to :
4. The area where the diamond was buried seems just 10 feet square, with many small holes where the rebel commander already "looked and looked" for it. With all the time on his hand, why not just unearth the whole of it, especially since he witnessed Solomon bury it in the 1st place and generally knew where to look ?

BTW, how did he got off that prison in the 1st place ? Rolling into it like he owned it ? In fact, judging by the mercy standards of that war depicted in the film, why even transport him to prison at all, rather than shooting him ?


5. Danny calls in the strike and tells the colonel he doesn't have the diamond but knows where it is. The only reason colonel arrives with his cavalry, is, obviously, the diamond. Then, during the strife, a soldier says : "colonel, I think Danny's down there", to which he replies "I don't care who's down there, kill'em all".

Writers letting slip something like that... unbelievable.


I approve all your points.



On point 1 Vandy left Danny and went to look for his son in the very early hours of the morning ... When Danny woke up he had to go look for him ... The events then unfolded as a mini battle started just before the strike was about to begin ... Point 2 is valid although you could say that the area was too bushy and Danny would have been able to hide had they decided to go back to the helicopter and start it back up as they had already switched its propeller off... Point 3 Danny was dying and in too much pain to continue


3. If U have ever had a rib injury? They HURT! Much less getting shot...he was going 2 bleed out whether on the plane or TIA
Movie should have been over N 17 minutes N E way?
