MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > memorised maddys mobile number?

memorised maddys mobile number?


Near the end when he's on the mountain, he calls maddy from his phone although he already gave the card with her numbers on to Solomon. Are we to assume, with everything going on he found the time to memorise her mobile number?

Really liked the film, saw it years ago, re-watched it recently. I remember it as being the film that really made me like Leo and have enjoyed all his films since.


I never thought of that, good catch.


He was a survivalist so may have made that a point. A good memory is a good skill to have.


Did you see her? I would have made sure to memorize that number too, never can count on scraps of paper.


Did you see her? I would have made sure to memorize that number too

I like your post!


Maybe Leo did it in frame (memorize) but director cut shows us the opposite


He looked it up on Facebook.

Oh wait...


He may have used the Sat ph to call her earlier and the # would be stored or on a recent call list-like any smart ph.....or he just had a good memory


I immediately figured that he memorized her phone number the first time I watched the film and that scene. And it's a very inspired, sensible, beautiful scene. Many people memorize phone numbers at first sight, so the scene did not seem unrealistic to me. I liked that scene a lot, although if I were in Maddy's shoes, speaking with a dying DiCaprio on the phone, I would cry waterfalls and scream from the top of my lungs like a crazy person and probably pass out.  (joking, of course)
