Some movies, but very few, can feel incredibly real and completely compelling ... like Saving Private Ryan or even Payback with Mel Gibson.

The cinematography is BD is brilliant .. the whole story feels rough and authentic ...

What other movies do u guys think feel very real?


The bits that felt unreal were:

1, A pretty journalist running around a warzone un-escorted, no guards, translators, or fixers that I noticed.

2, (spoiler) At the end Archer manages to sneak into the middle of the camp and into buildings to eavesdrop, as the only white guy around I think someone might have noticed.

3, (spoiler) They just happened to stumble onto a nice villa where a guy reforms child soldiers and could help them.

Otherwise it was good to see a movie that showed some of the aspects of Africa that many might not be aware of, such as the use and indoctrination of child soldiers, the significance of blood diamonds and how crappy life can be for the unfortunate ones over there.


When do you mean he sneaks in to the camp and hides in buildings? He is not the only white person. All of the soldiers are white!


This is as realistic as it gets... you want more go to africa. Or any other *beep* up place.


Otherwise it was good to see a movie that showed some of the aspects of Africa that many might not be aware of, such as the use and indoctrination of child soldiers, the significance of blood diamonds and how crappy life can be for the unfortunate ones over there.

Actually those are just about the only things Westerners know or think they know about Africa. A continent of 55 countries and a billion people, and Westerners think the whole place is just a bunch of "savages" killing each other for no reason or almost no reason. The way Westerners typically picture Africa, you'd think there's nothing good about the whole continent or any of its people. Even this movie paints the whole continent as a hellhole and implies it's always been one and will perhaps always be one. This picture of Africa is hugely exaggerated. Some terrible sh!t has happened in Africa but no worse than the sh!t that's happened in Latin America and Asia, in the whole colonized world. White people have done some incredibly sadistic sh!t, comparable to the atrocities of the RUF, in their wars in Korea and Vietnam, in Kenya and Malaya, in the Americas (genocide of native peoples), and in Europe itself (Nazism, Holocaust). Read about the wars in Central America in the 1970s/80s, and the details will make your hair curl. So Africa isn't particularly unique in this. It isn't the supposed savagery of "Africans" in particular that brings about atrocities like what the RUF committed; it comes from the brutality inherent in colonialism and war. The problem in Africa, as in Latin America and the Middle East and Asia, isn't something inherent in their people or cultures or religions, but the fact that they're on the ass end of world capitalism.

Btw, I don't mean to imply that you specifically think this way; your post just got me thinking about the typical mindset of Westerners when it comes to Africa, and I wanted to take the opportunity to express my thoughts on the matter.

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


but the fact that they're on the ass end of world capitalism.
Yeah, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and the Kim Jongs treated people SO much better.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Yeah, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and the Kim Jongs

Funny how all those are a by-product of the USA's war against communism.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Um, no. Citation please.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


What, are you going to use them for your doctoral thesis? If you had any grasp of modern history, you'd know that the Khmer Rouge were a by product of the USA's expansion of the Vietnam war into Cambodia.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Just as I thought. You're talking out of your a$$. I don't think you know anything about Pol Pot. He tried to emulate Mao. Speaking of whom, care to explain how he , Lenin, Stalin, et al had anything to do with the US's "war on communism"? They had their own ideologies that had nothing to do with the USA.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I couldnt focus on the movie with one of the main characters named Solomon Vandy, I was thinking about Solomon Grundy the entire time and that totally ruined the film for me unfortunately.


solomon grundy? born on a mundy?




Just rewatched this powerful movie; felt deeply sad. I usually skipped a few scenes, the amputation, the kid soldiers, etc.
