MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Why Gadot's physique is actually nearly ...

Why Gadot's physique is actually nearly perfect for WW

Ok so before you bash me, hear me out for a minute. Wonder Woman is supposed to be around 5'11" to 6' tall, around 130 to 135 pounds in weight. Now consider that your average fit 5'7" woman is between 120 to 130 lbs, which can easily go up to 140 lbs. if you add on more muscle - then you'll realize that to be 6 feet tall and only 135 lbs. you'd need to have a very slim, lanky body even for a woman. Especially if the woman has as much muscle as Wonder Woman supposedly has, then that means for her to still be only 135 lbs. she'd need to have a very narrow bone structure and her musculature very wiry instead of bulky. She'd be built more like a whip than a muscular porn star.

Gal Gadot is listed as 5'10 in height and 128 lbs. in weight. That means she's only 1-2 inches short of comic Wonder Woman and only 2-7 lbs. lighter. And while I do agree that she could use more muscle definition, I'd say she really doesn't need any more mass. Her figure is very close to what Wonder Woman's should be, at least if we use WW's stats and not just base it on various (and sometimes very different) drawings of her.

Now compare that to someone like Henry Cavill, who's about 3 inches short of an ideal Superman and about 30 pounds lighter. I am not harping on Cavill by any means, as I was completely blown away by the transformation he made for Superman. I'm just trying to point out how silly it is to keeping bashing Gadot for her physique and in the same voice praise Cavill for his Superman physique when Gadot actually matches WW better than Cavill does Superman.


WW is a fictional character. Her physique/stats are never mentioned. Ever. All you need is black hair and to be a woman. Last I checked, Gal Gadot was a woman with black hair. Hence she can play WW.

"How come nobody's ever tried to be a superhero?" - Dave Lizewski, 2010.


Uhmm.... so you'd be OK with Melissa McCarthy playing WW?


Just because I said everyone with black hair can doesn't mean anyone with black hair should.

P.S. Thanks for getting that nightmare stuck in my head. 😒

"How come nobody's ever tried to be a superhero?" - Dave Lizewski, 2010.


Why does she need black hair but not blue eyes or large breasts?


Maybe because black hair is the only thing that she is always drawn with.

"How come nobody's ever tried to be a superhero?" - Dave Lizewski, 2010.


I think she looks fine myself but can't we all just wait and see the movie first? Remember the gripes about Batffleck and he turned out as the best thing about BVS?

Whatever you are, be a good one.


The best thing in the worst film ever made kinda cancels that out, doesn't it?


Problem is Gadot is a flat assless beanpole with no curves.

While WW has a voluptuous body type.


That's your personal opinion and it is not shared by all.
I agree with the OP.
She's a magical being. Her abilities are enhanced...magically.
There are specs for her size and the OP makes a good point.
I always liked the idea of WW's physique being akin to a voluptuous ballet dancer.
It keeps her lithe, but also makes her strong (aside from enhanced abilities).
From what I've seen so far, I think Gal Gadot fills the role just fine and successfully demonstrates that image.

Tell me, you love your country?
Well, I've just died for it.


Dude, she can't act her way out of a wet paper bag left on her invisible robot plane.


To be honest, Gal Gadot is an overall 'good' wonder woman. However, her physical attributes still seems to be more like a Victoria Secret's Model more than a Wonder Woman type of character. To me Wonder Woman type of character is a woman who has physical strength beyond looking like a stick figure model.


Like I said in my OP, to be 6 ft tall and weigh only 135 lbs you'd need to be pretty slim. Gadot is only 7 lbs lighter.


She's nowhere near perfect for WW,IDK what you are rambling on about we can all see with our own eyes she's wrong

July 2016 still looks like she never worked out

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Guess you missed the whole part in the OP that listed WW's height and weight and didn't understand what the OP was about.


What you wrote was nonsense, you don't sound very bright based on your posts
Lol if you believe what you. You sound desperate lol she ain't perfect

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Don't sound very bright? That's rich coming from you when all you do is post pics and provide your biased opinion. At least I listed out factual numbers.


You were the one posting pics,to show how she was perfect for the role,then a posted a pic that proved you wrong
. You are still talking nonsense and desperate. You and your pal soaring Eagle got owned

I already told who fits the role
Gina Carano
Lynn Collins

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


I didn't post a pic in this thread, I posted numbers and facts. Facts that you're not even bothering to address because you know you can't counter them.


No use arguing with him/her/it. He has a burr up his butt and doesn't realize that no matter what he incorrectly thinks, Gal is the person who was cast and is Wonder Woman in the film.

His options are to see it or not. I'll let him continue to throw a tantrum that his choice for the part wasn't who was cast.


You did not post pics here because I proved wrong in your other threads 😂
You have just posted a load crap on this thread as usual,Saying Gadot is almost perfect,you have to be blind or stupid to think that,shes nowhere near the ideal weight for WW,anybody can see that.

You mentioned Cavill's Transformation ok good

And Gadot?

3 years and thats what she looks like? there was no Transformation you lost
just like Soaring Eagle 😂

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


I see you're still trying your best to avoid all the numbers and facts I stated in the OP. Wonder Woman is 5'11 and 130 lbs. Gadot is 5'10" and 128 lbs. Carano, whom you said would make the perfect WW, is 5'8" and 144 lbs. years and years ago. How bout you address those figures.


Did you not see the pics I posted?
Here we go again

She was 128 pounds before being Cast as WW? I don't Think so

You mention being blown away by Cavill is a little shorter than the comics Sups,So Carano is only 3 inches shorter,so shes not bad and weight wise shes not bad,only 10 pounds more than Comic WW and its clear her physique is great

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Pictures are subjective, and we're going to argue about it forever. Which is why I started using facts and figures. Carano is not only 3 inches shorter, she's also probably around 30 lbs. heavier. Remember, she weighed 144 lbs 7 years ago when she was in her fighting prime. Gadot's latest weight lists her as 128 lbs. I doubt that's what her weight was before WW filming, which means she's already put on weight though probably lost a bit after filming.

Cavill although shorter is also lighter than what Superman is, which makes sense because then you'd be maintaining the same height to weight proportion. For Carano to both be shorter AND heavier than what WW should be should tell you just how different her body type is from Wonder Woman.


I know your positing figures which is why I am posting Pictures
Even the movies there is no difference in her weight

Shes just as Thin in the 2013 and 2016 pics I posted

This is how Gina Carano looked in Deadpool

Does not look too light or heavy for WW

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


And this is why I used numbers and figures, because pictures are subject to a person's subjective opinion.

For example, you can't seem to see that there's nothing wrong with how Gal looks in the pictures that you posted. She looks lanky yes, but not skinny.

In comparison, you can't seem to see how this:

Is just completely the wrong body type for this:


Yeah those figures don't make sense unless you are trying to argue her physique was ideal before she got cast cast,there is no difference before, during and After playing WW .

Carano is more ideal.Gadot does not have arms,legs,chest or even bod similar to that pic of WW you posted


Those figures make sense because that's what Gadot is at currently, or at least before she got pregnant. Why would I want to use figures from years before?


I fully agree that GG does not even remotely resemble WW. She is ultraflat everywhere where she does not need to be, sure shes a looker and all but I cannot help but notice those ridiculous false breasts they inserted into her costume - she has 0 cleavage even with those and I wish they would just give her a good push-up bra than that monstrosity.

Its very hard to cast someone for the role of WW, she is a centerpiece character, she needs to be able to appeal to both men and women and have those subliminal traits that are often associated with health, fertility and wellness. I see that minimal effort has been given by GG into this role in terms of physicality, very skinny legs with no calf definition, bony shoulders, no "rear" to speak of or admire and just overall very lean mantis-like appearance, she could have done much better than that thats for sure.

Cavill gave it his best and it shows, this is why this movie will never be able to reach anything close to MoS in terms of popularity or BO.

Whatever people say I am - Thats what I am NOT


Cavill, despite how fit he got, is still nowhere near as muscular or proportional as how Superman is normally drawn in comics. It's crazy to even think that a real person can ever get to comicbook proportions. Cavill is about as far away from having comic Superman's figure as Gadot is from having Wonder Woman's figure. Heck, Hugh Jackman's physique was completely puny for Wolverine during his forst few movies. You didn't see people bitch about it as much. Also, MOS isn't exactly a shining standard for popularity or box office. Pretty sure this can beat MOS in box office. Don't know about popularity, but MOS wasn't exactly that popular.


I see that minimal effort has been given by GG into this role in terms of physicality, very skinny legs with no calf definition, bony shoulders, no "rear" to speak of or admire and just overall very lean mantis-like appearance, she could have done much better than that thats for sure.

I have heard this before and found it equally misleading. By her own accord, GG trained for 9 months prior and packed on 17 pounds of muscle. You do realize that people can pack on muscle differently. Now, that being said, just because she failed your standards doesn't mean she put minimal effort into the role. That is unfair to suggest otherwise.

She is ultraflat everywhere where she does not need to be, sure shes a looker and all but I cannot help but notice those ridiculous false breasts they inserted into her costume - she has 0 cleavage even with those and I wish they would just give her a good push-up bra than that monstrosity.

Interesting. I didn't realize having a porn-star physic had anything to do with her capabilities as a superhero. Do you think if she did would it give her added capabilities? Perhaps she might be able to teleport?


Unless she was close to the perfect weight years before,then those figures make no sense as there is not really a difference while she was playing WW and After

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


There's actually a huge difference between her physique from years before when she first appeared in Fast and Furious to today. If you can't see the difference you don't really know how to judge a woman's physique. You can plainly see it in the pictures you posted... but of course your bias blinds you.


No there is not a difference and you are the one thats a terrible judge. you are the one thats bias.

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


People that compare exaggerated physiques of comic book characters with real people should just go back to their caves.


Why Gadot's physique is actually nearly perfect for WW

No it's not asshóle, and you know it!


So list for me other actresses who are around 5'11 and 130 lbs.


Suzie Plakson. She's got the height, weight, and build. She can also act. The problem there is that she's in her 50s and has red hair.

There aren't many others that are close though.


The problem there is that she's in her 50s

Like I said, not a better fit than Gadot. Also can't find anything regarding her weight.


Who cares? Gadot can't act whatsoever. She comes off as barely sub-moronic in interviews.
