MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Why was there a need to cast a foreign a...

Why was there a need to cast a foreign actress?

You would think that the US has plenty of talented actresses who could have played this role.


Does it matter? It's not like the character is American to begin with.


You don't think that casting someone who lives in the Mediterranean area of the world to play a character who is from the Mediterranean area of the world is appropriate?


Scarlet Johanssen was busy *rolls eyes*


End of discussion!!! Bravo!!!


Why should an American actress be cast, vs the best choice for the role?


She's not the best choice


Maybe. But that has nothing to do with her country.


Guess they have a shortage of American actors, too. Henry Cavill is from the UK.


I'm sure there were a lot of American actresses considered for this role. It shouldn't matter where they are from only who is the best one for the job.


Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill and Jeremy Irons aren't even Americans.

Come on man!


I wouldn't have a problem if she can speak English better and worked out for the role
There American Actresses that could have been a good WW

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Technically she shouldn't be speaking English at all

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


Wrong in the comics WW can speak all languages fluently
Shows how much know

Soaring Eagle,the fact that she can't Speak English without her Accent or can't at least drop it for the movie is a problem


Soaring Eagle,the fact that she can't Speak English without her Accent or can't at least drop it for the movie is a problem

Its only a problem for you, but I'm sensing that you are one of those glass half empty people.


Its a problem because its not accurate


You do get that comics are fantasy right? There's nothing to be accurate about. If you are talking cannon then maybe you have a point but I don't think its a big enough point to throw a snit over a movie that hasn't even finished production yet.

When I was young I was a die hard Marvel comics collector. I pretty much turned my nose up at DC, oh I'd watch the TV shows and the movies but didn't collect the comics, with one exception, Wonder Woman. I'm willing to give it a shot.

If you really want to watch a trailer that is a horrible mess watch the Ghost Busters trailer.


Gadot's English is perfectly acceptable. She's not at all difficult to understand.

Way back when, when I was in college the university kept teacher's assistant spots open specifically for foreign students so they could work and earn money while they were going to school. They offered so many spots that there were all most no English as first language TAs. In my 4 years of undergrad I had 1 American born TA. Most of the TAs were unintelligible but the University always told us, "what's wrong with the TAs? They have to pass an English test with at least a 90% to get the job."

The problem was that in a highly technical subject like Engineering, making every 10th word out of a technical document unintelligible, makes it an impossible to understand mess.

I wish my old TAs had spoken English as well as Gadot does.


Foreign actors are generally regarded as much more talented and more hard working.

Look at a supposed great young American actress like JLaw - lazy, no commitment, entitled diva.

I'm pretty sure Gadot gave it her all and deserves the part. The fact that so many keep whining about it is confirmation.
