MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > One Early Reaction

One Early Reaction

One early reaction says Wonder Woman is A Complete Mess and is worse than BvS Ultimate Cut.

I swear If Wonder Woman is even close to as bad as BvS and Suicide Squad, If it even gets close to the Awful reviews and Awful Reception those movies got....

Then there truly is NO HOPE for The DCEU films

Wonder Woman was clearly WB's Attempt To Change "Tones"...BvS and Suicide Squad went with Snyder's Dark,Depressing and Colorless Tones, They were universally hated.

WB with Wonder Woman has clearly went completely in the other direction, even admitting that Wonder Woman and J.L will have lighter and more fun type tones...every trailer/tv spot has been almost Shockingly COLORFUL, Filled With Humor, Basically It looks like a Marvel Cinematic Universe Film

If Wonder Woman is terrible, then that means WB has now failed with 2 different approaches...

They made awful movies with Snyder Dark,Depressing and Colorless tones

and Now made another awful movie while changing tones to copying Marvel Studios "Lighter more fun" Tone.

seriously, Wonder Woman is it, If this movie isn't good or isn't a major improvement from BvS and SS...there truly is no hope....

WB would have failed about as badly as you can fail, First with their "Dark" tone, Then failed again while trying to copy Marvel Studios "Lighter" Tone. It simply suggests The Problem is WB,They just have no clue how to make good CBM's(or CBM's that are part of a Cinematic Universe)

I love both Marvel and DC, BvS was one of my most anticipated movies ever, but I hated both It and Suicide Squad, I'm stunned at just how badly these movies turned out.

I'm looking forward to J.L but must admit after BvS With Snyder Directing I'm expecting Another Disaster.

Wonder Woman has had my curiosity, again because Its been clear WB really tried to change things up after BvS and SS, with Wonder Woman They've gone in a completely different direction than the direction that failed with BvS and SS, I can respect that, Instead of being stubborn, They realized something went terribly wrong and at least looks like they've trued to fix it with Wonder Woman, so that at least gave me some hope.

but If Wonder Woman is as awful as BvS and SS despite having A completely different tone...then its just Over and there is no hope


I know they're just early impressions, but I admit I get more worried about the DCEU films than the Marvel ones.
And there was also a set of impressions for an early screening a couple months ago, and none of them really sounded that spectacular. Light praise, on par with Captain America The First Avenger, with more talk about Chris Pine than Gal Gadot.

And I did read that rumor that this film could be a mess. It's just a rumor, and was downplayed or denied by those involved. But you never know with DC lately...


And I did read that rumor that this film could be a mess. It's just a rumor, and was downplayed or denied by those involved. But you never know with DC lately...


ya I know what rumor your talking was a while ago, A former Employee of WB said Wonder Woman was a complete mess

But I'm talking about something different, There was An early reaction from someone who had seen the film a few days ago, and He posted a short reaction saying it was a complete mess and worse than BvS UC...The reaction was forced to be deleted due to review embargos though...

so This is worse than the rumor a few months ago...This is actually a reaction from someone who saw the movie a few days ago


But I'm talking about something different, There was An early reaction from someone who had seen the film a few days ago, and He posted a short reaction saying it was a complete mess and worse than BvS UC...The reaction was forced to be deleted due to review embargos though...

Oh I see. I did not like BvS but I have to be honest. BvS UC got a lot better for me. Certain character arcs made more sense and things were properly fleshed out. It's not a great film, but it became a marginally good one in my eyes with the restored footage (BvS was a mess and a bad movie).

So if WW is worse than BvS UC, that's a big problem for DC. It might even kill the chances of a Wonder Woman 2 or trilogy. DC needs these wins for their solo films.


Where is this early reaction?


I just said above it was forced to be deleted due to review embargo

here is a website that mentions it though-

" Another reaction has also been doing the rounds, but that's since been deleted. It called Wonder Woman a mess and ranked it below Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's Ultimate Cut. As always, it's obviously best to take all of this with a big pinch of salt until the movie is screened to the press. "


And mind this is not a critics reaction otherwise it would be even worse reaction than that guys reaction


I'm not sure what your are saying about this major tone shift, in response to BvS. it's color palate definitely looks brighter than BvS. and it does seem to have- at least a slightly less darker tone.

but you must remember, WW was already well into shooting by the time BvS came out, so if it is different it will becuase the director wanted it that way. However becuase it was into production so early, it's very possible it could have all the same, rushed, muddled, editing issues of the films that came before. I really want this film to be great, but I have to keep my expectations in check, becuase there is a good chance this movie has all the same problems of the other DCEU films.


I am kinda nervous now that EW is actually running articles comparing it to Little Mermaid...which is a real stretch

On the other hand the star is going around openly announcing Wonder Woman is a feminist. She is comfortable using the term feminist.


Comic book movies are all the rage these days. They could make it as a bad as possible and still make a ton of money off of it. I don't think they really care about it being any good as long as they're making money and keeping idiots entertained by action sequences and explosions.


I've been saying this for years. Comic book movies are like porn. They have a devoted audience that will watch them no matter how bad they are. There is no incentive whatsoever, other than self-respect, for a filmmaker to make a really good comic book movie.


Your description is perfect.


That's a worry and unfortunately sometimes all too true.


I liked bvs


Benjobuff (152) 19 hours ago

I liked bvs


thats fine...I often liked Bad movies too, I enjoy the hell out of the Transformers movies...

I wish I liked BvS, It was by far my most anticipated movies of 2016


no. I didn't just enjoy it. I thought it was excellent. Brilliantly executed and smart. I loved how they brought in doomsday and Wonder Woman. I loved how it was revealed that they both loved their mothers and that's what brought them together. Very dramatic. I loved the raw power of superman stopping the Batmobile. And I thought the lex Luther character was one of the best villains we've seen in a superhero movie to date. Very different from the flippancy of marvel. I would put the avengers films closer to transformers


no. I didn't just enjoy it. I thought it was excellent. Brilliantly executed and smart. I loved how they brought in doomsday and Wonder Woman. I loved how it was revealed that they both loved their mothers and that's what brought them together. Very dramatic. I loved the raw power of superman stopping the Batmobile. And I thought the lex Luther character was one of the best villains we've seen in a superhero movie to date. Very different from the flippancy of marvel. I would put the avengers films closer to transformers


ok well if thats truly is your opinion, then thats fine, I'll never tell anyone they can't have opinions...

But I must say there are several statements that you made that are simply so absurd, I believe your trolling.

Look BvS wasn't a very liked film, based on any way you judge a movie, The Majority did not like the movie...but there was some who did...but even the small minority that liked the film doesn't feel the way you do...

lol I've read the reviews, I was on the IMDB Message boards...I'm not sure I've seen anyone Praise the film the way you do...

I Mean seriously you saying " lex Luther character was one of the best villains we've seen in a superhero movie to date"

is just outrageous, BvS got very few good reviews, but even in the Good reviews, Most singled out how awful Lex Luthor was.

again there were people who enjoyed the film, but even the ones that enjoyed it had problems with the awful "Martha" scene, yet here you are Praising it for its Drama.

lol and my god, did you really say "Brilliantly Executed"..

you realize you are talking about a film that was butchered in Post Production by The Studio right? A film that was so badly edited that The Studios had to release a completely different cut of the film of Blu Ray just so people could finally and fully understand the villains motives

I mean seriously, Its like Universal...The one the Everyone agrees on wether they liked the film or not, was it was poorly executed + Edited


So please name a villain you thought was better than lex Luther, besides joker. The marvel villains are all notoriously awful. Ultron? The guy wolverine fought? Apocalypse? The big lebowski in iron man 1?!? Lol. Lol. If I am in the minority thinking lex luthor was great, so be it. I am used to being in the minority. Music movies art. I'm always in the minority it seems. The Americans now are essentially mob rule people when it comes to art and entertainment. I guarantee you people around the world LOVED bvs. Oh well. hopefully I have opened your eyes. There are millions who think like me, they just have brains and lives and don't post on the internet. What's sad is if empire strikes back came out today people like you would hate it. "Luke's reaction to finding out Vader was his father was soooo lame". A generation nation of cartmen


ok this is going to be several replies due to this site not allowing you to type very much, so be sure to check multiple replies because I will be continuing them-


[quote]The marvel villains are all notoriously awful. Ultron?[quote]


I completely agree, The MCU films do Alot of Things Great but The one thing and Flaw that Most seem to all agree on is, they have very weak villains. lol I dont see how anyone could argue this, But like with all fan bases, hardcore fans do..In fact Its literally by Design, Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige admit upfront, They produce and Focus their movies on The Heroes instead of villains, this lead to damn good movies and damn good takes on The Heroes, But clearly leads to weak villains...again like with all Fanbases, there are some hardcore Marvel Fans that simply refuse to admit it, But for me, I have no problems admitting the truth, I love Most of The MCU films, Love their Tones, Stories But Most MCU films have weak Villains and as for ULTRON, Marvel Studios and whedon Dropped the ball as Bad as DC/WB did With Letos Joker and Jesse's Lex

Ultron Is literally A top 3 all time AWFUL Villain. Age of Ultron was my most anticipated CBM ever, and there are no words to describe my disappointment in that movie, For me personally, AOU is the biggest disappointment of all time, I dont feel quality wise its as awful of a movie as BvS, but given my expectations and given how Great The first Avengers was, AOU was more Disappointing than any movie I've ever seen, and much of that Disappointment comes from how Awful Ultron was as a Villain.

[quote]The guy wolverine fought? Apocalypse?[quote]


I'm not sure which guy your talking about, Silver Samurai in "The Wolverine" maybe? if so. No, My God The Wolverine wasn't very good and The Villain was Awful...

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and as far as As Apocalypse he was every bit as Awful as Ultron and Lex and The no I take that back, Leto's Joker is literally on a never before seen type Failure, way beyond Lex,Ultron and Apocalypse...

Is there any reason why you picked 3 absolutely awful villains In an attempt to try and defend Lex Luthor?

Its like you Intentionally picked 3 terrible villains to try and make Lex look better, but hilariously, even though the villains you picked are terrible, Jesse 's Lex still stick out as worse, lol Its quite hilarious that You intentionally Picked Ultron,Apocalypse and I think Silver Samurai, You clearly took time to stop and think "Hey what are 3 awful villains that I could bring up to make Jesse's Lex look better"...and In the end, Those 3 intentionally Picked Awful villains are still better than Jesse's In The coming years, there will be polls and lists on websites, asking for votes on things like "The Best CBM Villains of All time" and The worst CBM Villains of all time" and and of course villains like Ultron,Apocalypse,Jesse's Lex Luthor, Leto's Joker Will on be on these lists/poll but embarrassingly in probably all those lists, Jesse's Lex Luthor Will be Ranked as worse...and to add even more salt on the wounds, Its quite Possible that Not only Will Jesse's Lex Luthor be ranked and forever remembered as one of the worst Villains ever but so Will BvS's Doomsday...its entirely possible(More like Probable) that in the Majority of "Worst CBM Villains" Polls...that Both Villains from BvS BOTH Doomsday and Jesse's Lex Will be ranked near the top and will both be ranked above Awful villains like Ultron, Apocalypse and The Mandarin

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[quote]Lol. Lol. If I am in the minority thinking lex luthor was great, so be it. I am used to being in the minority.[quote]


again You are, ONLY a small Minority liked BvS(This Literally can't be denied, based on any way you can possible judge A movie from reviews,ratings,Scores, Polls,Box office and The Majority Consensus, BvS was disliked by almost 3 out of every 4 people that watched it, Literally Millions of People saw BvS world wide, and no matter how you look at it, whatever way you try to get to a consensus, That Consensus unequivocally states BvS was Disliked by The Overwhelming Majority) , but even the ones that did, even That Small Minority that like it, That 25%, even they had Major problems With Lex. this was confirmed in reviews and Fanboy sites, again I was on IMDB when the movie came out, Hardcore DC fans defended this movie until the end of earth, but most did not defend Jesse as Lex Luthor, Most would claim Critics were biased or paid off, you know the usual but at the end they would say, "I loved the movie, I just hope the recast Lex Luthor going forward"

your Love for Jesse's Lex Luthor is basically an opinion that is so odd and so rare, you can't even call it A Small Minority...Literally is almost certainly in like a Sub 1% range...stats say about 25% who saw BvS liked the movie, out of those 25 %, I honestly bet not even 1% share your opinion and love for Jesse's Lex.

[quote] I guarantee you people around the world LOVED bvs.[quote]


There Is literally not one thing you can point to to back that up...NOTHING.

lol You can't even say "I THINK people around the world liked BvS" let alone use the word GUARANTEED.

lol I on the other hand can...I can actually say "I GUARANTEE people around the world Disliked BvS" and I can say that because I have FACTS to prove it.

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BvS had Historic overseas box office drops after opening weekend due to AWFUL word of Mouth, NOT bad drops, Not below Average Drops, Literally HISTORICALLY Awful drops...Literally Record or Near Records setting Drops in Different categories and Different Markets overseas, BvS got AWFUL Audience Scores and Cinemascores, BvS's Rating on Major sites are still Plummeting. These are based on ratings from Fans and audiences who've seen the movie WORLD WIDE

From Drops like Biggest Friday to Saturday,biggest 2nd weekend drop, biggest drops for a Batman movie/CB Movie, biggest Friday to Sunday Drops, Biggest Drops in Key Markets overseas....BvS Literally had Record or Near record Drops for A CBM in all of these categories

This wasn't just A "Critics" thing....Everyone in all Markets and Categories disliked BvS, Domestically Audience gave it awful Cinemascores, Domestically it had Historically Awful Drops after Opening Weekend and those drops continued all the way through its box office run, Even Comic Book movies fans, the type of audience that are biased toward these movies, had problems with it, DC Fans who waited their whole lives for this movie, Alot of them Literally had to try and Find ways to like the movie, you've got Lifelong die hard fans like Kevin Smith, who is best friends with Ben Affleck, Literally having to try and Find ways to like the film, They Literally WANT To love this movie, But just can't, Then You have The Overseas audience, who simply felt just like every one else, If you look at BvS's box office, Overseas BvS performed Identical to the way it did Domestically, It started off GREAT it all key markets and then Just Collapsed after opening weekend and thats 1000% due to AWFUL word of mouth.

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theres literally not one thing you can point about BvS's overseas box office results that even remotely suggest "people around the world LOVED bvs."....and "Guaranteeing" people around the world loved BvS is simply delusional and thats honestly the Only word that Fits...Delusional, If you look at BvS Ratings,Scores, Overseas Reviews and Specifically its box office Collapse overseas in all key markets after opening weekend, and then suggest let alone guarantee people loved it...Your just Delusional...PERIOD

and again this is based on facts, I've been following box office for over 15 years, and the next stat I'm about to state is the single most astonishing box office stat I've ever seen, Did you know BvS dropped 83% in China in its second weekend>?

lol China is Now the 2nd biggest market for a film world wise and will quickly become Number 1 over the next few years, CHINA is just A Massive Market and So Incredibly important for A blockbuster movie and Especially A movie like BvS that is starting A DCEU.

There truly are no words to describe how Awful that is, It was the worse drop in China in Decades and the worst drop ever for A major movie or CBM...

Basically BvS's Word of Mouth was POISONOUS..people hated BvS so much in China The Movie literally DIED after opening weekend and had Historic never before seen type Drops.

here, here an article describing how awful BvS did in China, BvS's Word of mouth was so awful in China, Box office analysts now believe Justice League is Doomed in China due to BvS's awful reception.

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Its also worth noting WB did not even try getting a release date for Suicide Squad in China after BvS's Collapse...thats almost beyond comprehension, that WB literally did not even feel it was worth it to secure a release date for Suicide Squad in China after BvS became a trainwreck in China

[quote] Oh well. hopefully I have opened your eyes.[quote]


My eyes couldn't be more open, every single thing I say is backed by facts, You are the one arguing that A universally hated film that got awful reviews + awful scores and had historic box office drops due to Awful word of mouth is actually A Great,Deep,Meaningful movie With Great Villains and Drama..

I literally couldn't be more honest, I'm not saying everyone hated it, Just The Majority, I have no problem admitting some liked the film, but They are part of a small Minority...

You dont seem to want to except that your opinion is in the minority, You like BvS and that fine, but that doesn't mean Your opinion changes the Consensus...

You need to open Your eyes, BvS was disliked by The dont have to agree but you need to at least except it.

[quote] There are millions who think like me, they just have brains and lives and don't post on the internet.[quote]


lol so now your taking that often desperate stance, that your smarter than everyone else and Your opinion matters more...

lol who cares that the overwhelming Majority Disliked BvS, they dont matter right?.....they are dumb or biased Right?, Nope They are all wrong and you are right!

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lol again If you really want to stoop to desperate acts like this fine, thats your right...but just know, it still doesn't change anything, If you want to believe that the Hundreds of professional critics that have been doing this Their whole lives are Dumb, fine...If you want to believe that nearly 3 out of every 4 people around the world that saw BvS and didn't like it are Dumb, fine...but you know thats just your desperation taking over...

People did not like this movie, for some reason you can't except would rather believe there is some giant conspiracy or that nearly everyone that saw the film Or at least everyone is didn't like it is incompetent...

[quote] What's sad is if empire strikes back came out today people like you would hate it. "Luke's reaction to finding out Vader was his father was soooo lame". A generation nation of cartmen[quote]


No whats SAD is you actually trying to Make the Comparison between Star Wars Iconic Revelation/Twist and BvS's absolutely Massive Creative Failure in The "Martha" Reveal...

I'm not kidding, You should feel SHAME....if you truly believe those 2 scenes are even remotely in the same league, You simply you forfiet your right to talk and Judge movies...

I was on The IMDB boards as a regular for 5 years, I was on the entire time BvS came out, I saw the depths some hardcire DC fans went to to try and defend this movie, I've seen some try ther best to defend the "Martha"...Until now I've never seen anyone try to complare the Martha scene to The "Luke I am Your Father" Iconic Scene...

You really should take a moment, try to comprehend the Absurdity of what you just did, and Then Feel deep SHAME and I'm not kidding you deserve it after The absolute Trash that just came out of your mouth.

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also when you say "People like me"? do you really mean The overwhelming majority?

lol I really think your losing touch with reality here mam, I'm not some Rogue hater, you can't say people like me in a way that suggest my opinion is weird....

Almost every one that saw BvS feels like I do...The film Is disliked by The Overwhelming with it, stop trying to make it seem like I'm in the minority or I'm weird...You are the one here with the odd Opinions...

you like a film that Most do not like...and you are Praising the film in a way that almost No one else is...again there is a small minority that like this film, But almost no one in that small minority likes and praise the film like you..

when it comes to BvS, You opinion is like in the SUB 1 % Range....You think its a masterpiece, you believe the villains are incredible, you believe its a perfectly excited film, You believe its deep and dramatic...

lol literally almost no one else has this opinion, there are some that like the film, but not to this delusional degree.

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now because you asked about my taste in Villains I'll list my rankings on villains, here's my list of "Best CBM Villains"-

1. Heath Ledgers Joker(Literally One of the best acting Performances of all time)
2. Tom Hardy's Bane(no where near as Great as Ledgers Joker, but still a great villain)
3. Tom Hiddleson's Loki(In Thor,The Avengers and Thor 2, Doesn't really have great Story arks or motivations but I love him just based on his performance in The rol)
4. Sebastian Stan's The Winter Soldier(In Cap 2 he has a very Terminator like feel to him, he's a different type of villain, Solely A Physical type threat)
5. Daniel Brühl's Zemo-(A "Behind the scenes type" villain that had a plan, that actually ended up working and creating A Divide between The Avengers and more Specifically A Divide Between between Cap and Stark that truly can never be resolved, Tony ready and Willing to Kill Cap in order to get to Bucky and Kill Bucky, Thats the kinda of Blind rage Zemo's plan resulted in, going forward in future Avengers film, Cap and Tony will never be the same, This isn't going to be like in BvS where, Batman and Superman suddenly decide to stop fighting and be friends and Going forward everything is going to be okay, Tony literally was going to kill Bucky at the end of Civil War, and Would have Literally killed Cap to get to Bucky...The only thing that stopped this from happening was Cap Literally Beating Tony, Literally Fighting him until Tony could no longer fight anymore...going forward its clear Tony and Cap will at some point have to work together, But the relationship between Cap and Tony and The Avengers are forever changed after Civil War, Cap's best Friend Is The uuder of Tony Stark parents, Tony can never Look at Cap or feel the same wy about Cap again)
6. Michael Fassbender's Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto-(In The 3 X-Men Films)
7. Alfred Molina's Doc Ock / Dr. Otto Octavius-(Literally Looks Like He jumped out of the pages of the comics)

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Now here's my list of WORST CBM Villains-
1. Jared Leto's Joker(This is the single biggest creative failure in the history of CBM's)
2. Jesse Esienburg's Lex Luthor(I literally dont know how casting Jesse as Lex Luthor ever got past the "what if" stage)
3. Shane Black's Take on The Mandarin
4. Jamie Fox's Electro and The Writer that wrote his awful character ark
5.Joss Whedon's Ultron(Literally one of the worst Villains ever, Whedon Just Blew it)
6.Zack Snyder's Doomsday-From His absolutely King Kong Type Size that made it impossible for Superman or Wonder Woman to actually fight him, To His idiotic Electrical Blasts to The fact that he Literally exactly looks like A mix of A Teen Mutant Ninja Turtle to A LOTR Cave Troll, Simply Stunning Just how badly They failed creatively with Doomsday)
7.Galactus in Fantastic Four-(A Giant Cloud...Really? no seriously A giant Cloud? I'm not kidding whoever is responsible for coming up with the idea of having Galactus be a Giant Cloud should never work in Hollywood again)
8.David Ayers Cara Delevingne's Enchantress-(Blame goes to both, First Ayers just wrote an awful character and Villain and Cara Delevingne's only real purpose was to dance like a stripper...)
9. Malekith The Dark Elf-(This one is 100% on Kevin Feige...He simply just didn't CARE with Thor 2, Thor 2 is by far The MCU's weakest film and poorest effort, There clearly just wasn't a strong direction or story they wanted to tell and it resulted in a completely average film with A completely pointless villain that didn't matter or care about)

now, If you actually read all this, and looked at these lists, I think one thing becomes undeniable clear...


I hated on BOTH Marvel and DC films and I loved on BOTH Marvel and DC films.


Also again in you can be honest for a minute, If you really go back and look at what I've said, every single thing I've said is based on facts and The Majority Consensus, and the few things that are not I've been sure to state "IMO" or this is my opinion...

so basically going back to what You said earlier..."You need to open YOUR eyes, You are living in A fantasy world because You dont Like reality"

You dont like the facts, You dont like that BvS is A Disliked film...and you've made the decision to stoop to extremely lows and desperate acts in attempt not to except this reality

if you want to continuing living in this fantasy reality where "everyone else is wrong,dumb,biased or incompetent, and You are RIGHT", Fine...SAD but Fine

but for the love of god dont tell others to "Open their eyes" just except that that You are living A Lie and deal with it...

The rest of us will live here in reality and Laugh at you for your desperation


First off I didnt hand pick bad marvel villains. Those were literally the only ones I could remember. You expect me to remember ant man villain? Or iron man 3 or Thor 2? Did Thor 1 even have a villain? Lol. I pretty much disagree with everything you ever said


Batman vs Superman was a huge box office hit---the only people who mainly didn't like it were the critics, who complained that the story was all off, and it wan't this or that. I was entertained by it, and frankly, I didn't think it was as had as some critics were making it out to be. And this is coming from someone who is not a huge fan of superhero genre, although I've seen Suicide Squad (which was actually pretty good and fun as heck,too) the first two X-men films, and the last Wolverine film made before Logan. I also thought Deadpool was funny, which is the main reason I aw it (due to that crazy-ass trailer,too.)


BvS Lex Luthor was wishywashy but probably true to life for a young upstart genius.


I liked it too, because Batfleck. And Alfred. *explodes in hearts*💋

But since I can't be objective about this at all, I'll go sit in the corner. 😊


billbrown7071, it seems like we were wrong (and so was that guy who said it would be a mess).

96% on RT is extremely high. Almost putting it in "Might actually get a Best Picture nod" territory if the stars align right, like it did for Mad Max 2016.

Now, maybe it was a mess before, and WB figured out how to fix it. Or that guy's initial rumor was plain wrong. Whatever the case, Gal Gadot gets the last laugh.


billbrown7071, it seems like we were wrong (and so was that guy who said it would be a mess).


lol I never said Wonder Woman was a mess...I was simply commenting on what another Reviewer said.

I will say though I did at least somewhat expect The reviewer to turn out right...based on all the rumor about BvS and Suicide Squad being Disasters before they were released and Then all though rumors turning out to be true, I found no reason not to believe Rumors about Wonder Woman being a mess too.

I'm actually extremely happy that Wonder Woman seems to clearly be a good movie and A MASSIVE improvement over BvS and Suicide Squad...I love both DC and Marvel and truly want Both MCU and DCEU films to succeed...

I just couldn't help but be ANGRY after BvS and Suicide fact I truly dont understand how anyone else could feel anything different...I get being Hardcore fans and wanting to defend "Your Movie" or "Your Brand"....but there comes a point where Defending is no longer exceptiable, when you wait as long as DC fans did for BvS, when You have a movie as Epic as BvS...and the end result is A Universally hated film that got Awful Reviews, Awful Audience Scores, Awful Ratings and had historic box office drops due to poisonous Word of mouth...I just dont see how you couldn't be angry...I was and still am, BvS was a once in a lifetime movie, and there truly is almost to way to measure just how badly DC,WB and Snyder failed with it....and Then somehow, Impossibly with the very next film Suicide Squad, they actually make an even worse film that got even worse reviews, again Its almost unimaginable...

If you liked BvS and Suicide Squad, Fine thats your opinion, everyone has different taste, But it seems MOST knew Both films were awful or at least extremely disappointing but for some reason went to absolute extremes in trying to defend them, This I can't understand.

Wonder Woman gives me great hope though...


i look forward to hearing why you think Wonder Woman is so much better than BVS, now that the critics have told you it is


lol nice try. but Critics dont decide if I like a movie or not..

I saw BvS on opening night, and after watching the movie I came away with The Opinion I had just watched a terrible movie.

I actually expected to Like BvS despite the awful reviews.I'm not hard to Please, usually just give me some good action and I'm happy, I loved MOS despite it getting awful reviews and I enjoy damn near all of Snyder other movies, So when BvS got hit with an avalanche of Awful reviews, it didn't really lower my expectations one bit...I figured I would enjoy it just like I did MOS despite the awful I was wrong

lol and I can see your trying to be "clever" by suggesting "Critics told me the movie is good"...But the facts are...

You are the reason I brought up "critics" in The first place.You made completely untrue statements, I disagreed with those statements and because your statements were so absurd, I had to provide Proof of just how wrong you were...

Had you just said from the beginning, "I loved BvS, I understand most didn't but I dont care, I loved it and thats all that matters".Had you just gave your opinion, I would have never disagreed or brought up critic or anything else...

but thats not even remotely what you did, You gave Your opinion and Then tried to come with wild conspiracy theories why Your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong.

You made completely untrue statements in an attempt to try and make the film look better, lol You "Guaranteed People around the world LOVED the movie",I'm sorry but theres no other response to such an absurd statement but to bring up the actual facts that 1000% prove NO People around the world didn't love the film.

you are not at any point excepting that your opinion is in the minority. Instead your trying to come up with Desperate ways to ignore the Majority consensus including suggesting your opinion matters more than others, and suggesting People who thought the movie was bad doesn't have lives.

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Critics dont decide if you should like a movie or not. thats entirely up to you and I and everyone else...

but Critics,Reviews,Ratings and scores to decide A Majority Consensus...and You are arguing that Majority consensus.

therefor, once you stared arguing that Majority consensus, I then brought The facts(Reviews,ratings,scores and box office).and those facts undisputed prove BvS is A Universally disliked film.

thats doesn't mean You have to agree or I have to agree, we can disagree with the majority consensus, but Us Disagreeing with it doesn't change it.

again this is your fault, because you couldn't be happy simply giving your opinion, You can't be happy Just saying and Excepting that "You Love BvS"...Nope, You want to believe "everyone loves BvS"...So Your arguing the Majority Consensus.

I dont do stuff like that...for example...I hate Age Of Ultron...I think its A bad movie and the most disappointing movie of all time.

But I have no problem admitting or excepting that My Opinion is not shared by the Majority...Most people liked AOU, The facts say Age Of Ultron is a decent to good movie, but I dont agree, I feel differently, I think Its awful...but that just my opinion and My Opinion Is part of A Minority...

I dont start going around saying "Nope, The reviews are wrong, its clear The reviewers are biased and have no lives, all the people that think AOU is a good movie are wrong"

I dont start saying, "Ya AOU got decent reviews, But I can guarantee People around the world didn't like it"

I'm perfectly fine excepting that I feel differently about About the film than Most

I really , REALLY enjoy the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, You know the one Michael Bay Produced...

I think Its pretty good and a really fun movie, but the facts are that film got awful reviews, awful scores and is Universally looked at as A Disappointing film...

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I dont agree, I feel differently, But I except that I'm in The minority, I dont believe my opinion matters more than others, I dont believe there was some conspiracy against the film, I dont people that everyone who disliked it are incompetent or have no lives, I freely except that I like A movie most others do not like...

You can Not do this...You can't be happy excepting the truth, It bothers you that the facts prove BvS is disliked, you can't be happy Just being in the minority, You love BvS and want to believe everyone else does too and your willing to go to extreme and desperate acts to achieve this goal

so I'm sorry But your delusions is what lead me to bring up BvS's awful reviews,ratings and scores...

I dont just go around and Rant about BvS.If someone has an an opinion that is different than mine, thats fine, If someone loved BvS, thats their opinion...But you went way past giving your opinion, you gave your opinion and then went into delusional fantasies why Your opinion matters more than others and why everyone else is wrong and your right...Once you did this, I thought you were wrong, and in this case, not only did I believe you were wrong but I could literally PROVE IT with facts.

PS...I'll let you know how I feel about Wonder Woman, I'm seeing it this weekend...

although just to point out how idiotic your stance is...

lol I bet if I came back Sunday and "Jesus Wonder Woman was awful, this is the end of DC, No way they recover, They just made another awful movie"

I literally guarantee you'd come back with "what are you talking about, Wonder Woman is Great, Its getting excellent reviews, people loves this movie"

Basically, You'd have to no problem relying on The Majority consensus when its in favor of DC films....You wouldn't think "All The reviewers were dumb or have no lives" when Those reviewers favor DC films...

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You would think Its Absurd that I'm stating and declaring A Movie is awful when The facts so clearly state its good

lol yet You are doing the same thing with BvS...You are declaring The film Is Great, when The facts so clearing state its awful...


Dude. Seriously. Maybe see a psych


Critics are supposed to provide a considered opinion on the relative merits of a film, both as cultural commentators and consumer guides to help readers decide whether it is worth their time and money seeing a film. The critics' opinions are frequently based on years of viewing films and finely attuned concepts about film making and writing - as journalists this is their speciality. If they fail to give a balanced critical account that reflects popular taste then they fail as reviewers, but perhaps not so much as perceivers of complexity or quality in film. Even as technical critics of artistic merit their bias can creep into the picture. However, the point of critics and criticism is to test the film for the benefit of the viewing public, and not be influenced by producer or consumer biases and demands.


I was not a fan of BvS as i did not think they did a good job of selling Batman's point of view. If he feels that Superman, who has only done good up til that point, should be stopped just in case he goes bad then why doesn't He (Batman) stop himself. What would happen if Batman decided to go bad? Who would stop him?

Suicide Squad was different, it was a simpler film and did not try to be more than it was. Knowing what it was going in put my expectations in the right spot.


Wonder Woman was approached with passion and intelligence and I think the finished product shows this. I love the quasi historical design, philosophical undertone, humour and Gal Gadot.
