MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Question about the plot

Question about the plot

I haven't seen the film, but I'm curious:

Does Chris Pine character have sex with Wonder Woman in this movie?


It is heavily implied.


How is it implied?


They talk about it and such and kiss a bit though I don't think she has ever had sex with him. His sperm first has to survive the firey explosions. :p


They go into a room together, kiss and then scene ends with exterior shot of room window with light on. I think it's assumed, and only because of how their relationship ends.


Certainly implied. Some other things to consider:

Diana also has no embarrassment upon seeing Steve naked, and engages in a suggestive discussion about whether he is "above average" (as a man).

She also tells him she has read Cleo's 12-volume treatise on pleasures of the flesh, but concluded at the time that men were unnecessary for pleasure.


I just hope he was in good shape taking her own. That could be a dangerous endeavor.


It's left open to interpretation.


It was my understanding that they did have sex. He walks her to her room and instead of leaving...he closes the door. They kiss and then there is a fade out. I think they did have sex.
