MovieChat Forums > Gone Baby Gone (2007) Discussion > Patrick killing the pedophile

Patrick killing the pedophile

IS it just me wondering why there were no consequences for Patrick when he killed Corwin? Of course the guy deserved a life sentence and all, but it wasn't on him to make the decision(as he said himself)- sooo why wasn't he arrested?


Those guys just killed a kid and put a cop in ICU. For better or worse the cops don't really investigate to hard in cases when someone takes the perp out. Plus sure he had Remy back him up.

Thus at Nickys funeral a random cop came up to Patrick and said ....good job Mckenzie. Like Patrick did what every cop would have done / wanted to do.


I haven't seen anyone else say it but did Corwin Earle seem like he was slow in the head? That's why his execution didn't sit well with me, it seemed like he had some kinda mental issue that they didn't really play up, when he asked if the coke altercation was a party and when telling Patrick the boys murder was an accident. Seems like things a child would say when curious about loud noises and when scared of consequence, no? Plus, not to generalize, that lisp? Was it just so obvious nobody else is talking about it or am I the first to have this theory


I've thought about this on multiple occasions and there (obviously) is something wrong with him, just can't put my finger on it. He seems a little "out there" but that could just be who he is. We don't see much of him to examine more behavior but I think you have a good point. Doesn't seem like the brains of the trio


"That's why his execution didn't sit well with me"

A "mental issue" doesn't justify a pedophile's actions. The movie didn't delve into Earle's background, but I'm sure he did have mental problems stemming from a bad childhood. Saying "it was an accident" was a conditioned response From an early age. He did know what he'd done, said what he did, in hopes of being punished less. He'd no doubt been saying it after everything HIS abusers accused him of doing.

People don't JUST grow up to be pedophiles (then murder). They are conditioned. Every one of them have 3 things in common from their childhoods: they were sexually/mentally/physically abused, they wet the bed on a nightly basis (due to the sexual abuse/in hopes of creating a negative environment, even if it failed, in which the perp wouldn't want to abuse them, and they abused/killed animals.

I'm surprised Corwin Earle hadn't been killed while in jail/prison. Pedophiles are reviled by fellow inmates, as well as the general public, hence the officers congrats.

Patrick saved the taxpayers alot of money...and many more children.


Still, at the end of the day, Patrick basically murdered an unarmed man in cold blood. Even if the man in question was a murdering lunatic, he still had the right to due process. If you say one man doesn’t deserve his rights, then it’s the same as saying no one deserves them. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


After discovering the tortured, mutilated, bloody corpse of an 8 year old boy. Not your typical murder. There isn't a jury on earth that would convict him. Extreme emotional distress is a valid defense. He witnessed a horrific, traumatic site, one that you can't even imagine having to see in person, and in the heat of the moment he snapped. You can whine about due process all you want. But Patrick gets due process too. And taking into account what he saw, he'd never be convicted if it was brought to trial.

It wasn't premeditated or planned out like all the acts the detective committed. And that's the difference between the two. And as we see, Patrick regrets it after.


That pedophile still had rights.


Does it make a difference where you shoot? I thought people get in trouble for shooting criminals from behind (in the back of the head, for example) because if they have their back to you, they can't be threatening you.


I'm sure if they were looking to prove that he murdered him from behind, there would be evidence to support that. Fortunately for him he had the entire police force on his side because he rushed in to take out a cop killer and child murderer. Who knows if they helped stage the scene by planting a gun, or if people just weren't asking questions because they were satisfied with the result. If people are shooting at you/the cops then there's enough reason to fear for your life.


After the killing, Patrick seemed troubled by it.
I thought that the shooting of Corwin was intended to give the audience pause for thought.


Depending of the Police Department , he might be charged with murder, but might not be sentenced in a court of law.
