MovieChat Forums > Inside Man (2006) Discussion > Hole in storage room floor

Hole in storage room floor

What was the point of digging that hole?


Makeshift bathroom


Why didn't they just use the bathrooms that were in the bank?


It was for clive owens character. He hid in the false wall for a week so the hole was for him to use as a toilet. Not sure the movie showed the hole being within the section he hid in or not.


Yeah there is a dialogue in the movie when they are done finishing the digging, "Now that's a good looking sh!thole" the point in the movie we didn't know that it literally was just that.

wat are you lookin' at...


yea i was wondering this too(its again on today love it.great movie.
cinemax e


What I've always wondered about the hole is: after a week, wouldn't the stench from a poop-filled poophole behind a false wall cause the entire room to suspiciously stink to high heaven? Unless bank employees don't have much occasion to utilize the supply room. I've never worked in one so I wouldn't know. Thoughts?



He dumped the dirt they dug out back into the hole each time he used it which would cover the smell.


Makes sense. Wish movies would take a quick sec to show the explanations for these things for people like me that needs these things to be explained.



I prefer it when movies assume you're smart enough to figure it out yourself.


I prefer it when movies assume you're smart enough to figure it out yourself.

that opens the door for them to be lazy, ever heard of Damon Lindelof?

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


Especially considering they showed a dirt box a few times leading up to the finale and they obvioisly didnt take the box of dirt with them.

Sorry Brother.


He couldn't use the real restrooms because he might be caught by video cameras or other night security systems.


But here's another question. Where, what, was his food supply? If he wasn't eating all that much, then he didn't need a poop hole, did he? This is just another of the many silly plot gaps in this film.

And then to hand off one of the stolen items at the end? After all that planning, all that time, all that trouble? That made no sense at all. This movie exists purely as a vehicle for Denzel Washington and Clive Owen to play big tough smart big ball guys...and for Spike Lee's usual comments on power, race, and justice.


Heres a question for you: Have you ever ordered an abnormally large amount of pizza for a party? Ever have leftovers?

Also, did you miss the part where the camera zoomed in on the safe deposit box? There was probably somewhere around 10 bags.. Yes, 10 BAGS of diamonds in the box. And while in the safe room we see the leader open up one of the bags to reveal somewhere around 20-30 diamonds. Now 20x10=200... So do the math to see how bad giving away one tiny stone hurt the robber in the end. Like he said, he's on a beach throwing them back right now.. And probably spent more than that diamonds worth on a watch. The way I took it, the robber did that to show the detective that he won in the end, knowing that later he'd put the pieces together.

And please... Can you people quit with the race card bs? There was equal racism in this movie. Stop being small minded citizens and let go of the stupid infighting thats been pushed on you by the media.


Well said. And great observation. Even though it was plainly noted in the film. The biggest stone of them all went back to the owner, am I right?


The ring was traceable so he left it there. The detective could then find the rightful owner and take down the bank president as a Nazi collaborator.


And then to hand off one of the stolen items at the end? After all that planning, all that time, all that trouble? That made no sense at all.

Actually this IS explained in the movie where he asks Denzels character why he isn't married and is told he can't afford the diamond. So it was a way to 1) give him a diamond for his girl and 2) show how he outsmarted everyone.


Nope you bury the poop/pee, and keep the soil/dirt turning now and then. It won't stink if you do it right.


if he sticks to a mostly liquid diet, it'd be mostly Urine, and if they went deep enough the ground would naturally absorb the bulk, and thenn just use air fresheners to compensate

note they even state at the end "He's going to smell like *beep* to which the Old guy states 'why do you think I opened the window"


Why didn't they just put a bucket with a lid back there?

This movie has lots of such problems: scenes designed to intrigue and mystify that really have no logical basis. The Jodie Foster character was completely unnecessary and made no sense. Willem Dafoe, a great actor, was wasted. The police knew how many robbers were in the bank, right, from the hostages who escaped? And yet a count, when all was said and done, didn't reveal that one was missing? Lots of plot holes and illogic to this mashup. Love Denzel Washington but not so much when he teams up with Spike Lee.


Race argumentis always a solid occasion to act like a bully while looking like a victim.


The police knew how many robbers were in the bank, right, from the hostages who escaped?


They did not know the PRECISE number of HOSTAGES. So even though they were told that there were 4 bank robbers, how would they be expected to know that at least one bad guy was missing until AFTER everyone was identified and interrogated? Detective Frazier (Washington) looked for the 'leader' while everyone was lying face-down on the street. After not recognizing anyone who fit the profile of Dalton Russell (Owen), nor anyone who appeared to be an obvious perpetrator, the tactical team proceeded inside to search the bank.

And yet a count, when all was said and done, didn't reveal that one was missing?

Any 'count' would not automatically explain exactly how many were missing as explained above. The hostages failed to corroborate exactly who was a bad guy, and who wasn't. Frazier says to Captain Coughlin (Gerety) while briefing him on the status of the investigation following the interrogations:

"We haven't found that .357 or the perp that was holding it."

Lots of plot holes

Numerous similar complaints appear on the message boards of so many movies that the term 'plot hole' has become an imdb cliché. It is becoming difficult to take such ubiquitous unsubstantiated broad assertions seriously anymore.


Exactly. In fact, the confusion over the number of hostages contributed to them not knowing who was a bank robber and who wasn't was more than adequately explained in that conversation between Denzel Washington and Peter Gerety.

I am also frustrated by the Plot Hole claims. I would love to know what they were; there were a couple of weak spots, like the vastly underutilized Willem Defoe, (although that didn't hurt the movie, per se....I would have preferred to see more of him, as he is never bad and almost always great) and the inexplicable, or at least dispensable, Jodie Foster character, but I would hardly call them plot holes.

On a weird personal note, that selfsame Peter Gerety played a character on Homicide that was such a weasel that I've had a hard time warming up to any of his portrayals since.


There were two cameras covering the bank entrance. All they had to do was watch the video footage from the start and make a list of all those who entered and left till the gang entered. They could then have narrowed the list of suspects down from 50 to 10 perhaps. A smart cop in any other movie would have worked it out.


There were two cameras covering the bank entrance. All they had to do was watch the video footage from the start and make a list of all those who entered and left till the gang entered. They could then have narrowed the list of suspects down from 50 to 10 perhaps. A smart cop in any other movie would have worked it out.


The police had no evidence that any of the individuals who were detained on the street were a part of the robbery attempt. Further complicating the investigation, one of the robbers was already in the bank when the others arrived - and he never held a weapon, never wore sunglasses, and he was not one of the 3 Steves. The detectives were suspicious of several of the actual bank robbers, but bank customers/hostages contradicted the detectives' suspicions by offering corroborative exculpatory characterizations of these suspects.

In all three cases, there was at least one innocent customer inside the bank that would also fit the general description of Steve, Stevie, and Stevo. This confused the bank employees and customers as to who were bad guys and who were not during debriefing. There was no physical evidence tying any detainee to the robbery attempt. There was no 'official' money missing. There was no corroborating eye witnesses, and no one really died.

Whom could you actually charge, and what could you actually charge them with?


In addition, they also mentioned that there's a period of IIRC about two minutes missing from the footage (because Dalton managed to disable the cameras a few minutes before they were starting the robbery) while watching it. That would surely be enough time to account for two or three people leaving the bank without being recorded while entering it.
"We're with you all the way, mostly"


You're right, plus each of the gang would have needed to have some kind of account at the bank in order to be seen as an ordinary customer, no? So, the cops would first look at people who had recently - say, within a year or so - opened new accounts and not done much with them. Or, risk even more police suspicion if they claimed they just happened to be in the bank for no particular reason.


How the hell can you count how many people should have been in the bank when you have no idea who was in the bank to start with?

Do you ask god to lend a hand? Use your brain a couple of times a week and it will become useful.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


His diet for the week he was in there was probably energy bars and other low resudue foods so he wouldn't be crapping too much anyway.

He'd figure he could have a big filling meal as soon as he got out. For 5-6 days all he needed to eat was enough food to avoid getting weak and starving.


Plus he had the food and water from the Pizza and water delivery.




IIRC, the hole goes down as far as a large pipe, which looks to me like a drain pipe. So, they could have broken into the actual drainage system, thus effectively giving Clive Owen's character a water closet, and every time someone flushed a toilet upstream, his "toilet" would be flushed as well.


Actually, in the shot of the completed hole, there are two pipes visible, one of which is a small copper tube that would appear to be a waterline - which could be tapped with a simple stopcock. If he's going to be in his "cell" for very long, maybe he would want to have a ready supply of drinkable water, rather than lugging in several cases of bottled water.


Good point; I was trying to remember, but I agree there were two pipes. The water supply pipe could also allow him to flush his own waste, thus reducing the likelihood of a tell-tale smell.


while I'e always understood why The Hole was dug me it never made sense....

so he was going to be in there for a week and needed a place to use the bathroom....

It would been so much easier just to bring a 5 gallon bucket with A Lid that seals with him....

He could have used that bathroom when every he wanted and put the lid on it sealing off the smell....

A Week later, when he left he could have just left the 5 gallon bucket filled with shit and piss in there for them to find whenever someone finally found the false "cell" they build....

It made zero sense for them to spend that much time and effort to dig out a hole.....When They literally did not need to....I 5 gallon bucket with A Lid would have accomplished the same thing ONLY better......It would have Held the smell in completely, You got to believe some of the smell would have gotten out from the Hole......A 5 gallon bucket with lid would have been Smell-Proof


And left a significant amount of DNA behind. By digging the hole the evidence went down into the sewer lines. There would still be traces but not much.


And left a significant amount of DNA behind


I actually thought about that.....

Thats the only possible reason not to do it, IMO even thats stretching it....

especially if The Lead robber had never given his DNA before in a Data base....

But Even he he was worried about DNA......I watched the Movie Last night....He walks out carrying to giant Bags....

He could have easily, Used a 3 Gallon Bucket and just took the bucket with him with shit and piss with in one of his large bags


I get where you would have an issue with that. I guess I never looked at it that way. Still love this film though. I feel Inside Man gets overlooked a lot in terms of heist films.
