Racist undertones

What's going on here?
"Miss White, kiss my black ass"
"Oh shit an Arab! Do you have a bomb?!"

Some of the dialogue is worse than desultory; it's barely believable. Denzel embarassed himself with his performance here and Jodie Foster was nowhere near her best, either. The most ridicule-worthy individual associated in this tripe was Spike Lee, by a country mile.


The racial slurs in the racial talk in this movie were very realistic and how most people in real life, especially New Yorkers, speak. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That means characters who may be racist are in the movie. It doesn't mean the movie has racist undertones.


It was hamfisted and poorly executed. The guy in the turbin was pissed because they were searching him, just like the security guard and it was meant to imply racism, but obviously there is no way for the police to know who is who. Spike Lee hasn't been able to have meaningful racial examinations in his movies since Do the Right Thing.
