Kerry Washington in blackface?

She is so light complected...did she wear dark make-up for this role?

Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?


Yes, I noticed that too. I assume it was to make her look more African.


Ummm; hello suntan.... or most likely she wan't using heavy doses of Esoterica or other skin bleaching crème, this was way before Scandal.


Blackface? You seriously used that term. Make up would be revealing. It would be lighting and sun.
And surprise, she is black.


Forest Whitaker isn't that dark either, they were both African-American actors playing African figures, so of course they would need to use a little make-up to make them appear as authentic Ugandans.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


A. Black people get a tan in the sun too.

B. Most depends on how the movie is shot. You should have noticed that not all movies are in one type of lighting etc. Different lighting and lenses/filter stuff will lead to things looking a certain way, like skin colours slightly more darker or lighter than they actually are, and will also influence how the bodies of the actors look on screen.

Shooting a movie takes time, so they must've been in Uganda for a while. With enough exposure to the sun, Kerry Washington would have gotten a tan and through lighting of the movie and stuff could have appeared even darker.


Kerry is not light complected, but she did wear make up to appear darker---which is not "blackface".
