Why not Canada?

He's clearly saying "first place I point I go". First one was Canada, but he went again.

Every man has two nations, one of them is France. (B. Franklin)


I think he didn't like the idea of Canada as he wanted more adventure, something more different than home.


I think you're right. I'm just wondering of other Canadians felt slightly offended. And I mean slightly.

Every man has two nations, one of them is France. (B. Franklin)



In the director's comments on the DVD, Kevin MacDonald told how, when the film, was shown at the Toronto International Film Festival, the (Canadian) audience howled with laughter at that scene. He remarked that "Canadians have a very self-deprecating sense of humor."

So clearly at least THAT Canadian audience was not offended. I thought it was hilarious myself (I'm Canadian too).


i'm Canadian too and i laughed at that part.


I was a little offended. Oh well at least he didn't come here and eff up things for our country and spawn a bunch of illegitimate offspring :)

"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." ~ Mae West


Doctors are rich, imagine how much Canada woulda made in child support.

my vote history:


Bbut you can have adventure in Canada: most of the population is concentrated in the south along the US border, in the far north there are isolated communities and small population density
Anyway he probabbly asked himself that question when the cage got gilded :)


Why in the world would he want to go to a country that was a member of the British Commonwealth? That's like going to your neighbor's house for adventure. Snooze-fest.


Would have been cheap, he could stay with relatives in Toronto.


It was a gentle joke at Canada's expense. That's it, nothing else.



sometimes I wonder if people on this board really are this stupid or just pretend for the sake of making a post.

I mean really he chose a little african country which im assuming at the time was pretty unheard of over boring safe canada, do you really have to ask what his motives are. No disrespect to canada but in your logic he mite as well gone to london and saved the cost on air travel




I'm Scottish and would love to leave Scotland/Europe for Canada, especially if given the choice of that and Uganda (no disrespect meant to Uganda).


I bet in the end in the plane he was saying to himself, "Why the f#@& didn't I go to Canada!".



Well let's not forget Canada had a lot of Scots emigrate their so it really would have been quite a safe choice, culturally speaking. He wanted something different so as it turned out not the first spot he landed on.

Still time to move on - really!


WTF you guys? You're missing the major motivaton for his decision.
He was a young, fresh out of the Academy (or whatever it is called) doctor, who was idealistic, naive and wanted to make a difference in the world. He wanted to help other people, who needed help, he wanted to make the world a better place and have a little fun while doing this.
Most of the western civilized countries were doing quite good without his help and he was pretty much familiar with the way of life there, so he wanted to go to some place totally different...


I KNEW someone would post a thread about this, and lol at the saddo who said he was a little offended


Count me in as another Canuck who burst out laughing at this scene! My country is stereotyped as being nice, but boring, so it makes total sense that an adventure seeker like Nicholas would have no interest in visiting it.


Chill out Canadians, had his finger have landed on "Australia" or "New Zealand" he would have spun it again too lol. Everyone knows Canada is one of the greatest countries on earth.


I actually don't think I've heard anything bad about Canada ever.
It does seem a bit boring though, but in a good way. Kinda like Sweden.


Well, the North-Eastern part of Canada (French speaking part) is different than say Toronto.

But as others have posted I think he wanted to go somewhere completely different for an adventure and got it.


someplace warm


