Entebbe That Long Ago?

The world has been terrorized by the Palestinians for forty years? For forty years these fake refugees have been backed by such moral paragons as Idi Amin and Qaddafi etc. For forty years we have lived in worldwide fear of what horror 'they' will do next.


The Palestinians were invaded by the Jews and their land stolen. They are still fighting to get it back.


Wow! You are so smart! You have bought this 'narrative' that was invented whole-cloth in the late sixties by the Soviet KGB. There WERE no Palestinian people before that - just several hundred million Jew hating Arabs.


Your characterisation of "several hundred million Jew hating Arabs" marks you out as a racist.


If that makes ME a racist what does that make several hundred million Jew hating Arabs? Duh.


OMG,go troll elsewhere...Plus the Air France aeroplane was highjacked mainly by Germans.I like the hypocrisy though.When Israel bombs a residential area and kills 200 Lebanese or Palestinians,they are striking legitimate military targets,but if Hamas or Hezbollah do the same,they are terrorists.



Sadly, the terrorism is older than that...there have been terrorist attacks by palestinian activists since the early 1950s, on both Israel and Jordan.


If you really want to go back: the Hebron Massacre of 1929 in which over sixty Jews were killed because they were Jews by Muslims. They were idealistic college educated pioneers, whole families, and others who thought that their Arab neighbors to whom they brought jobs, medical care, a great increase in living standards were friends.

