MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > I enjoy the show for the most part ...

I enjoy the show for the most part ...

Except for Randy. That *beep* made the show almost unbearable.



Are you on drugs? Randy was hilarious. So stupid and still so funny.


I agree with the stupid part, but more than once I've thought that if I was Earl, I'd tie a bunch of bricks around Randy's neck and then throw him off a bridge into the nearest river.


I agree that Randy is funny, but has anyone ever noticed that the people you think are hilarious on TV shows because of their off-the-wall behaviors would probably annoy the crap out of you in real life? For example, I think Kramer on "Seinfeld" is hilarious, but if I had to put up with a guy constantly coming into my apartment and eating my food and/or taking my stuff, I'd probably want to kill him before too long.
