MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > Seasons 3 and 4 were underrated

Seasons 3 and 4 were underrated

Don't get the hate for those at all.


Season 4 is pretty decent but Season 3 is for the most part a trainwreck. Doesn't help the show was cancelled and thus far it damaged Season 4.


Really? Comas? Dream sequences? Paris Hilton? You really don't get the hate?


No. I like Paris Hilton.


Season 3, while not as bad as I used to think, really lost its way. The list was the heart and soul of MNIE and by the time he broke out of prison and ended up in a coma, he had only helped something like 3 people in 15-20 episodes.

I will ALWAYS love MNIE, but imo, season 3 is what ultimately killed the series.

I think if Earl would have seen Crabman's recollection of the pornstar warden as karma's way of helping Earl get out of prison despite the certificates being shredded, the show could've gotten back on track and maybe saved itself. Unfortunately for us fans, it did not.

I have dreams of MNIE being resurrected via Netflix...but I will not hold my breath.


Season 3 started out good with Earl in prison. After that I didn't like the rest of the season as much. Season 4 was better than 3 I'd say. Season 1 and 2 were my favorites tho :)


Season four is my favourite, actually.


I thought the Prison episodes in Season 3 were great but once Earl got out of prison it went downhill. The coma episodes being low point of the show.
