MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > Why Didn't Joy + Darnelle Ever Kiss?

Why Didn't Joy + Darnelle Ever Kiss?

He was her husband after all. They always had these slow intimate moments that normally would end with a kiss (with anyone white), but yet all they would do is hug. Is it really too daring in this day and age to allow them to kiss. Why give in to the racists? It's not the 60's.



So now it's racist to not have a white woman kiss a black man? Did you ever see Joy and Earl kiss in any scenes where they were together? Did Joy, Earl or Darnell kiss anyone on the show? Maybe if the 'racist' show offended you so much you should write in to CNN or something, they'd be happy to lump a big petition in with the liberal PC BS about changing the Redskins name. Let's all cater to those who claim to be offended by something that didn't directly impact them.


Actually... To answer your trollish questions.
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Yes. Go back and watch all 4 seasons. There are many kisses. Not always pleasant ones.
4. While not a question you seriously have some issues. You seem rather angry for some odd reason.


They did kiss. Look for the wedding episode.

...try again.

Terrible things Lawrence. You've done terrible things.



Don't know if this is why, but it's mentioned in Jaime Priestley's trivia that she doesn't like doing love scenes and even considers on screen kissing too intimate.




As if making her husband accept the child of two other men including the black guy isn't enough political correctness for you, you just want more.

And are you really complaining about some kind of lack of blackguy/whitegirl relationships? Because I can't seem to find a movie which doesn't have one of those.


You make a great point. They did reference all the sex they had including the youngest Dodge walking in on them because he wanted to rescue Mommy from the Wolfman...

But there are no visual scenes of Joy and Darnell. That is racist. It would be interesting if Jaime Pressly's excuse was a variation on the one porn stars like Alexis Texas used.


First off, they kiss in the wedding episode. Secondly, even if they didn't, that wouldn't be racist just to not show two characters kiss, dumbass. Every single goddamn day I encounter raging stupidity. I'm glad our species is going extinct.


I wouldn't rant and rave about stupidity when you actually believe that the human race is going extinct.

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."



Joy and Darnell did kiss (see the wedding episode), so that makes you the dumb and ignorant one.
