MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > Jason Lee wants to give it a proper endi...

Jason Lee wants to give it a proper ending

A few minutes ago I heard an interview (well, more like a blurb) with him on the radio. He says he wants to make a MNIE movie. He said he wants it to "pull out all the stops" like "Cannonball Run" did, (whatever that means.) I hope he pulls it off.


That would be awesome. The fact that the show doesn't have an ending is the only thing that keeps me from buying it on DVD. If they made a movie to end it I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I'd definitely like to see the show have some sort of proper closure. I don't think that most of the cast is really doing too much at the moment other than Jaime Pressly (although her show isn't doing that well right now). A 2 hour movie one night wrapping up everything during the summer I think would be perfect.



NBC was stupid to cancel this show! People like singing and dancing crap, well not me!


'Earl' deserved to be cancelled. As good as the first two seasons were, the last two were horrible. In fact, I give NBC some credit for letting 'Earl' get a fourth season after the terrible third one. The ratings of the show had tanked and fan reaction was really bad. NBC could've pulled the plug then and there, but they let 'Earl' have another one, but it didn't help. The show had already gone of the cliff and people weren't watching. It's not NBC's fault that 'Earl' ended on a cliffhanger, either. The writers of the show were idiots doing that. They should've known that they could've been canceled. NBC does a lot of stupid crap, but cancelling 'My Name Is Earl' was totally justified.


I agree with you Idrthmaul. I said it once and am saying it again. Supposed fans killed it. People whined that scratching stuff off his list was boring despite that was the only thing each episode had in common. So they listened and did things like put him in a coma and sent him to prison. Yeah, that was so much better than scratching stuff of the list. Something original actually comes out and people still complain! It tanked bad then.


A MNIE movie would be cool. Not to mention it practically writes itself.

Earl scratches off the last thing on his list. In his mind he is karmicly clean. He now thinks good things will happen to him. When bad things still happen to him he wonders what is wrong. He realizes that he is still poor, doesn't have a girl friend, and has no upward mobility. Only when he understands that he is one of the most popular people in town, with friends that will help him make a better life when he asks does he understand what all the work he did was for.

Sometimes, Just Sometimes, the joke's on you.


Earl scratching stuff off his list is only boring to people who can't relate to him. Being someone who regrets his past myself, I found it interesting that Earl planned on making it up to everyone. I can understand how it would bug Randy though, and can certainly understand him wanting to do something else with Earl once in a while.


Considering how bad the ratings tanked during the last seasons, apparently there's quite a lot of boring people who couldn't relate.

Or maybe you should just stop being so sanctimonious over a TV show and realise that different people like different things.


while I agree with most of the replies that the show had gone downhill and completely jumped the shark the min they brought "Billy" in (I do like Alyssa but she just plain sucks at comedy not remotely believable, she should stick to lifetime drama's). Though some people would say prison was when the show jumped the shark as it began to deviate from the shows original point. Which is prolly why the producers thought that bringing billy's character on would improve those ratings by throwing a hot and well known actress in the mix... they were wrong. Anyways where was I... oh ya, regardless of the shows up and downhill ratings battle with viewers the fact remains that those of us who loyally stuck by the show, watching the *beep* episodes and the good ones up to the end got boned with a BIG FAT To be continued... after dropping a huge bomb no less! Now as I understand "my name is Earl" was taken to other networks such as abc cbs and even fx and that it was given several opportunities to be picked up for a 5th season however after negotiations this could not be done without compromising the shows artistic integrity (any further anyways). But there is light with the possible movie that has been hinted at and discussed since 2010 so hopefully loyal fans will see closure for Earl. I have to add of course this happened with "deadwood" the HBO drama cancelled to make way for the massive budget of the series "Rome" fans were promised a movie, a tv mini series and then a 2 hr finally none came... Then of course "Rome" was cancelled which appears to have been strike 3 for HBO with fans, because "Rome" will be getting a theatrical release to finish up (even tho there was no actual cliffhanger on that show in my opinion) too many shows are cancelled too soon, before they even get a chance or worst of all fans get screwed on cliffhangers, like "the black Donnelly's" (which had major potential) sorry off topic but for all the other earl lovers out there I hope we do get a movie!


rome was supposed to get a movie? when was that?


They gave a press release in 2012 not sure what happened but it either feel apart or still in negotiations. Or maybe Spartacus just wiped the whole idea off the map Rome ( more along the style of Caligula) couldn't compete with that story or play to the growing digital comic gore crowd.


season 3 was still funny, i dont get why people hate so much on it at all


*beep* you.


Well that's very good news as this show deserves an ending. I'd prefer to see a return to the show but if that's not an option, closure would be most welcome in a movie.

Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is.


Why not. I'm all for a TV movie that resolves everything. I bet the writters of the show even had the ending on their mind, but didn't expect to be canceled this quick.


I really want to see more. It was left unresolved, sometimes I don't mind an open ending as it leaves the rest to your imagination but in this instance too much felt left open. I'd love to see some questions answered so I'd welcome more of Earl :)

~Although the Rose is
beautiful you can always
be pricked by the thorns~


As derailed as this show got, it deserves proper closure. Seasons 1 and 2 will always be awesome to me.


I hope so! The series feel so incomplete, it needed an ending, not a cliffhanger!

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age -Lucille Ball


I've been re-watching the show on NetFlix along with my girlfriend who had never seen it, shes quite the fan. Though my question is, the last episode we just watched earlier tonight was the one where Randy won the lotto ticket (due to their grandmother thinking he was Abe Lincoln and sending it along with a Bday card on Presidents Day)..I forget if they ever did anything with that other then just utilized it so Randy could make a 'list' aka his arm for an episode. It was the one with the other two brothers became the new neighbors and the older one and Earl won a lot of 'free' t-shirts and all of that. Maybe I just dont remember and it'll play out in the last few episodes we have left, though I cant remember it ever doing so?
I haven't clued her in to how it 'ends' yet, I just don't have the heart as shes become a rather large fan. Its not her typical show as shes stated in the past she enjoys 'intelligent' shows...which Earl is anything but...though in a sense I suppose you could say that it is.
Anywho my ramble has now ended, apologies for length and thank-you for reading if you've made it this far I reward you with...The End.



I don't know why people complain so much about the 3rd season. What is there to complain about anyway? I thought the prison episodes were very funny and the coma scenes were very touching, especially Randy's reactions to losing Earl.

For me it was great from beginning to almost end. I'd love it if Jason Lee did something else with the show.


I would love to see a movie made! I would prefer the series had never ended, but a movie would be better than nothing.

I bought the DVDs and still watch it every morning on TBS. I guess living in TN I see so many people like them, their characters seem so real. I can go into a convenience store just about any time and see a scary redneck scratching off a stack of lottery tickets.


I'd like to see a movie over nothing else. It would be great if they could get a lot of the guest stars to participte, like Giovanni Ribisi. I loved his character in the show.


Oh yeah, they would absolutely need the best guest stars they had over the years! This is a movie I would actually pay to go see, and that's just something that rarely happens. They could make money on this and please the fans if they did it right.

Come on, Jason...


It could be great. I've been rewatching the entire series on Netflix with my son (who was too young when it came out). It really is a great show. Very original, and I realize while watching with my kid it has a great message while still being very funny and not at all sapppy. That's unheard of in todays TV.


Come on and make season 5 Netflix! You know you want to.

Can we make this quick? I need to give a banana to Annie's Boobs.


Jason Lee is great. Another season would be cool.


I would prefer another season, too. But a movie just to tie up some loose ends? Not really! Come on, this is a comedy show, the plot was never really the point. It´s not like Lost or Alias where I would have appreciated a real ending... It was a funny, entertaining show for me (season 3 being the worst, but still better than most crap on TV), I could watch him crossing things off his list for another 3-4 seasons...


The original post is almost 2 years old. I think the cast and Garcia already moved on after all this time. I think that they should have ended the story on the Season 4 DVD. Season 1 has a very funny featurette, Bad Karma, it's about 10 minutes long, and is some sort of alternate pilot. In this short story, Earl is actually vengeful, and in the end, Karma kills him.

Well, they could have done something similar in the Season 4 DVD. A short 10 minute mini-episode, with a quick resolution for the cliffhanger, a feel-good montage having Earl crossing multiple things on his list, and maybe a quick wrapping storyline for the main characters.

It doesn't sound like much, but it beats the hell out of having an inconclusive cliffhanger, and a very unfinished list.

My ratings:
