MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > What does Americans think?

What does Americans think?

I have often wondered what Americans think of this show. As a Dane, who knows what the general impression of Americans is over here. I wonder what you think of the show?

The Americans represented in this show are kind hearted, but stupid. Which fits many peoples impression of you. I have visited the USA once and it was a great trip :) Basically we are alike, but of course there are cultural differencies.

It may be to much to view this show as ambassadors of the ordinary americans, but it fits into many peoples impressions.

I know its not the same, but I come from a part of Denmark with a lot of ignorant hillbilly-types and every time I see one of them on national tv, it makes my skin crawl!! I think its imbarrasing and know it will only add to their view of us as dumb people.

Perhaps you havent thought about it or perhaps I'm reading to much into this, but please note that I like americans :) Just want your opinion :)


it is just a joke and we know it. Innocent fun is all I see.


It's just a silly show, lol!

Not a fan really, just managed to catch it a few times.

That's interesting about those parochial types, I can't imagine their manner of speech actually sound akin! I guess every nation might have 'em...

There's a slogan written here. 'Happiness Will Walk Away'...


I loved the show, and the portrayals didn't bother me at all. In a country as vast and diverse as America, there are probably millions of uneducated hillbilly types (especially if you count the city-born mouthbreathers as well.) But that still constitutes only a small percentage of Americans. And it doesn't really bother me what the rest of the world thinks of the USA either; at this point in time America happens to be the top dog on the world stage, which makes us a target for a variety of reasons. If some Europeans look down on Americans as kindhearted buffoons, it's ok too. That constitutes mental weakness on their part, not ours.


Funny I always wondered what the rest of Europe thought of the USA? We really don't give a crap what the French think so be it. the show to me was if the lowest common denominator won the lotto. Only about 25% of the population lives like that.



For some strange reason, Americans have a weird sort of pride in the ignorant trash population.

People, like to describe themselves as red-necks or white-trash. If you watch any of the "reality" shows about these people, their main point of pride is that they are lower-class rednecks (even though many of them, like the Duck Dynasty people or Larry the Cable Guy or Jeff Foxworthy are upper class suburbanites just acting like hicks).

It's definitely a new phenomenon. It's kind of the opposite of how being anything but "Old Money" used to be shameful.


I had a similar conversation with a friend, who is American, but has dual citizenship in France. I mentioned to her that it seems like those we consider "foreigners" are smarter than American citizens. She pointed out that it is the same in Paris. They think their own kind are stupid and Americans are smarter. But, we came up with a reasonable explanation. The people that would qualify to be Foreign Exchange students are usually more educated and open to other cultures so we would get their "best and brightest" and vice versa. I'm sure there exceptions, but it makes sense.

I usually don't go for "hillbilly humor" but I think this show was well done.

- Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


It's possible that Americans like hillbilly humor because we're a country that highly prizes individualism and which recognizes that brains, wisdom, ability, and goodness are not only found in the educated upper classes.

Plus, we are a country that dislikes arrogance, so the good-natured hillbilly character is a perfect foil to sophisticated characters who only care about appearances and status.

One of our hillbilly comedies that stands up real well with time is The Andy Griffith Show from the 1960s. It's on Netflix and worth a peek.

Logic is our best defense against The Experts.
