Why is this loved?

I don't get why so many people love this series. It's boring, the storylines are uninteresting and the characters make you yawn. And still, it went on for four seasons! Wow, this has a 7.9-rating?! Impossible! This should have, like, 5.5 at most!
And hey, anybody who calls me a TROLL will be hit in the freaking head. -_-
Just want a polite answer of how in the WORLD this series is so "great"???




Some people liked it and thought it was funny? Had fun characters that were almost a live action Simpsons. Great guest stars. And just flat out fun.


Nah, I don't know, man. The only really good shows FOX seems to have are The Simpsons (well, HAD), Family Guy and The X-Files. I don't know about Prison Break, but the theme doesn't really allure me.


It was light family fun with cute characters and a few really hot women. If you look at the guest stars a lot of A stars took the time out to guest on an episode so it must have resonated with quite a few people in the business too.

Also, a lot of people could relate having grown up in a neighborhood like this.

The theme of the show was how everyone could become better than what they were and if one person central to a group betters theirself it can raise the whole community.

-- I know she was just a puppet but she put her hand right up my heart!


Well, okay, but I just don't think it's funny.


OK, before you say the show's not funny at all watch episode 4.2, "Monkeys Take a Bath". They showed it as an one hour season opener so you might have to view 4.1 and 4.2. Seth Green guest stars in the 4.1.

-- I know she was just a puppet but she put her hand right up my heart!


It's nice to see a show where material things aren't all that matters. Most shows on tv involve spoiled people who live in huge houses, wear designer clothes and drive fancy cars. Earl won a lottery, but he's using the money to try and undo a lot of the bad stuff he did, not very many people would do that, so that's an interesting premise. He's staying at a dive motel and drives a clunker, if you suddenly came into $100,000 most of us would at least buy a nicer car. I think Earl and Randy are characters a lot of people relate to, they're not perfect, it's their ordinary-ness that makes them interesting. It's kind of a 'what if' show, what if we won the lottery, what if we believed in karma and tried to do the right thing? And sometimes the show is really sweet.

Mary Kay Letournover's: using under-ripe apples for maximum freshness since 1997


I agree, most people who won the lottery would buy a lot of fancy things and try to live more glamourous (sp?). Earl was someone I could relate to because although he made bad choices earlier in life, he's using the money he won to try and rectify those bad choices. And he seems like someone who just spends money on the necessities in life, which is also like me. I think that aspect of the show just grabbed people and kept them interested.




That's it, you're getting hit in the head, you bitch!


I was married to a woman from Swainsboro, GA. When I watched the first episodes in reruns ( never made time to watch during the actual first-run) I saw my wife Debbie (Joy), her sister, her 4 brothers, and various other scalawags in rl portrayed by the cast. I have watched every episode now, faves are 'Our Cops is On' and the Y2K living in WalMart episodes. Trust me, THERE ARE ppl just like the characters!! Just don't know where I fit in....


I have to admit: I HATED this show during its original run. However, recently, Netflix was very insistent that I watch Raising Hope. I finally gave in and ended up legit lol'ing pretty much every epi. When I checked it out here on imdb, I saw a lot of hype about how it's from the MNIE guy and I was surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. After I finished all of RH to current run (via netflix & Hulu+), I decided to give this a go. I donno if it's the copious amounts of (legally prescribed) narcotics, the fact that I'm home alone a lot coz the bf works a ton, I'm a crazy wiener dog lady, or my sense of humor has evolved, but, short of a few prison & Billie epis, I legit lol'ed at more than one point in nearly every epi of this show. Maybe, like others have suggested, it's coz we all know or were people like that rag tag crew of screw ups, but it's definitely funny.


"Raising Hope"??? We're talking about "My Name Is Earl"!


I would hate to be you Mattias, you have such a crappy attitude and are clearly a troll (and go ahead and talk about acting violently because someone called you out, how old are you? 12?) Here people are giving you full out descriptive and in depth reasons behind why they share a love of a TV show that you ASKED about, and all you do is fire back with snotty remarks and ignore what they have to say.

She mentioned Raising Hope because Greg Garcia created both and they are quite often intertwined in different ways. There are cameos and references constantly, and if you loved one you will probably love the other, I happen to be a giant fan of both.

A lot of these posters gave the same reasons as to why they love the show, it isn't their fault that you just can't wrap your head around the comedy that is involved (nor is it the responsibility of anyone else to have to explain it to you.) Even I will be the first to admit that it is slow in the comedy area when it first begins, I actually tried watching it once and couldn't get into it, then at least a year later I tried again and once it got towards the middle of the first season (give or take a few episodes) I was really enjoying it. My boyfriend at the time was the same way, he actually complained when I wanted to watch it until he sat down quite a few episodes in and then actually paid attention, and then began to get upset with me when I would watch it on Netflix without him. By the time it was over and the cliffhanger episode had ended, I was genuinely sad that they never got to continue or finish the series. In my opinion it was wonderful. It is because of that that I started watching Raising Hope (since you want to point out that we aren't talking about that show, I hope I made the point that they're intertwined in ways clear enough for you to understand at this point)

If you don't like the series, that's up to you, but keep in mind that just because your opinion of it is less than others, it doesn't mean jack s*** to quite a few of us :) and don't ask for opinions and explanations if you don't want to hear them, that's usually a life lesson most learn early on, sad to see you struggling with that so badly :(

"Go then, there are other worlds than these."-Jake Chambers


When did I ever make snotty remarks? The only thing I've ever gotten mad at in this whole discussion was somebody calling me a troll. I'm not a *beep* troll for having opinions, so STOP IT, okay? I completely respect all your opinions, whether it falls with my own or not.


Thanks, Toxic! I thought I made it very clear how one led to the other. Perhaps my abbreviations confused OP? And, yes, brochacho, you were pretty snotty in your reply to me. But, this is the internet, and I've come to expect people to not pay attention/comprehend the entirety of what I've said. But, it's cool, OP; as you said, you're entitled to your own opinion and may act how you wish on the internet. As a side note, I also see no appeal/draw to Prison Break.


No. No thanks, Toxic, you're an idiot.


You'd hate to be him...because he has a different opinion than you? That's pretty funny.


This is clearly an old comment, and there have obviously been comments that have been deleted. If you were competent enough to read what I had written, I never said I'd hate to them because they had a differing opinion, I said I would hate to be them because of the comments that they left insulting people and calling names and being bitter... You know, the comments that are now gone because they clearly saw how much of a rude A-hole they were for making them to begin with, and didn't want anyone else to call them out on it.

TL;DR Version: You're a little late to the party. I'm far from an idiot for pointing out how it's wrong to make fun of other posters because the OP asked for opinions that they didn't like and went on to be rude and immature. You know, kind of how without knowing the actual issue because of deleted comments, you jumped on me and called me names instead.... which makes you a hypocrite. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.

"Go then, there are other worlds than these."-Jake Chambers


15 year old me sucked. I apologize for being so rude.
I still think this show is awful though.


Most of all? All things considered, it was a harmless show about harmless characters. That's actually a rarity these days.

Anyways, the premise was loosely based off Canada's (we rule) Trailer Park Boys. TPB didn't sell out for NBC brass, so Earl was created with similar style universe- PG rated of course.


Trailer Park Boys is so much better!
