MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > List of Canceled Shows that never got a ...

List of Canceled Shows that never got a real ending

Now that Earl has pretty much been canceled, with a cliffhanger ending no less, it got me thinking about other shows that have been canceled with little to no ending.

1) Gary & Mike

The final episode of Gary & Mike ends with the titular duo driving off an unfinished overpass with a ton of cops chasing them. They hold hands Thelma & Louise style and the screen freeze frames with them in midair and the words "To Be Continued" appear on the screen.

2) Invader Zim

This was one of the funniest cartoons ever.

3) Undergrads

This show had an okay final episode, but they totally set up the story to continue "next semester".

4) Brisco County Jr.

This show had so much going for it.

5) Jack of All Trades

Okay, admittedly not the best show, but as far as Bruce Campbell one-liners went, this show was great.

Those are just a few that I have thought of. Please feel free to add to the list or discuss the shows already listed.


You should limit this to shows that ran at least two seasons, to avoid shows that never got off the ground. Anyway, off the top of my head I can only think of Andy Richter Controls the Universe.


HomeFront. Even Dear Abby made a public appeal to keep the show going or to at least give it a decent finale.
No Bill! No Way! Watch out you Commies.... 2010 is coming soon!


How about "Andy Barker: P.I."? (or whatever it was called)(and also starring Andy Richter) What was the last episode of that? All I can remember is that it ended suddenly and I was extremely dissapointed when I heard it was canceled.


Or at least shows that someone other than he ever watched.


I disagree. An example that comes to my mind Caprica. When the Sci-Fi series ended after the season one premier, and then showed the highlights of the coming season (2) I was floored. The highlights were so intriguing, and then the cancelation, I thought someone like AMC would pick it up. Instead it ended as a total cliff hanger with barely clues as to what was to come. Bummer.


Family Guy would have fell into that category if the DVD didn't become best sellers and FOX had to bring it back.

1. Frisky Dingo

The only one that comes to my head is Frisky Dingo. I loved that show! If you've never seen it or heard of it, I suggest you look it up or buy the DVDs. It's awesome. If you like character driven storylines and comedy more based on clever and improv sounding dialouge, you'd enjoy it. I dare you to watch any scenes with Xander Crews or Xtacles without cracking up.

Anyway, the show ended with the main hero Awesome X and the main villain Killface going into space together after kind of a cliffhanger. On the other hand, it felt like the show was ending because they killed more than half of the major and minor characters in the last few episodes.

2. Northern Exposure

Technically this one had an end, it just didn't feel right. The main character was pratically not in the entire last season. In third or fourth episode of the last season, they did what I thought they would do for the final episode and had Fleischman return to New York. After that, they introduced two new main characters who became the central characters of the show! Which is too late into a show to introduce a new central character. Also, they had a manufactured relationship build between the female lead and a supporting male. Which it totally felt manufactured, it just seemed like they thought since they got rid of her main love interest and she was the new main character she couldn't end the series as a didn't feel right is all I'm saying. I guess you could say the final episode worked if you argue the show was more about the town than Fleischman's journey, but I don't think it was.


The best example I can think of (and on FOX of course) is Married... with Children. They cancelled that show after the cast had filmed the season 11 finale. I remember a couple cast members speaking out about that when it happened. The show had run its course, but it never got the finale that it deserved.



Kelly never actually got married..

ALF ended without a real ending, with the police arriving to catch ALF in a field.

Cybill ended with a cliffhanger where she and Mary-Ann got arrested, and a "to-be-continued" disclaimer was seen.. but the show ended that way.


Zypherix mentioned ALF ended without a real ending...although the series ended like this, they made a special TV movie (Project ALF) with NONE of the original cast (except ALF) which apparently involves him being detained at some government facility.

It's on youtube if anyone is interested.


The way ALF ended pissed me off something awful...

Check out for my horror movie reviews!


Kyle XY. They should ended at the end of season 1, but then they RUINED THE SHOW with the third season/replacment writers.


Kyle XY :\



Night Court had a last show but they played it out of order.

Bull went to live with aliens, Dan followed Christine to Washington and harry got a ton of offers including a chance to tour with Mel Torme, but he refused and stayed at the court with.


Freaks and Geeks



Married with Children and Wonder Years

A lot of shows listed here didnt run too long

But these two shows were staples and big ratings

Married with Children, COPS and Tracy Ullman put FOX on the map

Wonder Years was/is a classic - the ending gets to me, but they still deserved a real finale, not reshoots and summaries

Both deserved better

I would also say Moonlighting, but I just read that Cybil and Bruce have agreed to do a movie as long as Caron (shows creator) is at the helm





Yeah, Kelly never did get married. She called it off at the last second and said something about how she wanted to continue to live at home. FOX hyped it up like it was a planned last episode but it really wasn't anything special.




But firefly ended properly with that movie, Serenity.


I don't know about properly. I liked Serenity, but there was an option for all of the actors (except for [beep]) to return for 2 more sequels that never got made.



Yes and it was so bad it made me cry- thanks for reminding me!



Dunno if it was already mentioned but.... Yes, Dear.

Another show by Greg Garcia.

Sorry for killing this thread.



Actually, it was 21 Jump Street that put FOX on the map, and maybe Friday the 13th the series and Star Search. Tracey Ulman put the Simpsons on the map, fyi.


Friday the 13th: The Series was syndicated, it was not a Fox show, same with Star Search I believe. 21 Jump Street was Fox's first big hit, but the Simpsons soon became their signature show.


Huh?!? Friday the 13th the series was a Paramount production that aired on CBS and Star Search was also CBS and eventually the Gameshow Network. I'll give you the Simpsons started on Tracey Ullman (man that was terrible animation wow). And although Married with Children was a better show , lasted far longer , was better written & better acted Jump Street was by ratings there 1st big hit and after looking it up to my surprise the first fox show to win it's time slot. But it was a week show in comparison to MWC and history showed that to be the case in the end. Heck , Herman's Head was better than Jump Street imo.



I think Freaks and Geeks wrapped up nicely though, it will remain one of the best shows in my book of all time. Undeclared however, I would have canceled it to the way they aired all the episodes out of chronological order.



sliders ended on a cliffhanger.


i second that.


Totally. Freaks and Geeks finishes on such a bittersweet note... I'd love to know what happened


Freaks and Geeks' final episode works for me, even though they had to have it in the can ready in case subsequent episodes couldn't make it to air. Shame that.

Anyways, the F&G finale only truly feels whole during the final sequence.

I know ppl will kill me but a 2nd season of F&G could've been a huge letdown. F&G is forever now a flawless masterpiece of a show- 2nd season trying new bits & character study might've eaten itself alive.


Keen Eddie


Dark Angel.

Dude, I'm Matlock


The Riches

It was suppose to air at least 1 more season, but Fox ditched it.
I loved that show :(


Firefly (does his count?)

King of the Hill

Pushing Daisies


"Soap" ended after 4 seasons in 1981, with Katherine Helmond's character seemingly being shot by a Latin American firing squad. I've always wondered what happened.

"Mork And Mindy" ended a year later, in 1982, after 4 seasons, with the title characters (and baby Jonathan Winters) on the run from authorities.

I really hope someone saves "Earl."

"When the truth becomes the legend, print the legend."
... "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"


This thread made me sad.



mission hill. sad.


Las Vegas, Crossing Jordan. Man this is insanity if they are going to cancel the show at least give it a half season order so you can fully conclude the characters this is such schlock that they can't expend a little money to give the fans that supported the show what they deserve.


Caroline in the City Season 4 ended up with cliffhanger


The 4400

"The man has more lives than a cat". - Ramon Salazar on Jack Bauer.


Anyone remember "Brother's Keeper" from TGIF about 10 years ago? Their first season ended on a cliffhanger and never came back.

Most women dont bring you lasagna at work. They usually just cheat on you.


Mind of a Married Man


Fastlane was one i liked that got cancelled without a good send off and also mortal kombat the series the ending of that was a great a real cliffhanger never to be seen again

Brodie, Randall, Jay and Silent Bob Rule. JEFF ANDERSON SHOULD BE IN MORE MOVIES


The State didn't get its chance to end properly. CBS picked it up from MTV, and the Halloween special was suppose to be the first show on the new network, but CBS opted to not order any more episodes because of the low audience from the special.


Twin Peaks ended with a massive cliffhanger and was only continued by a shockingly bad movie (fire walk with me) which never continued the story anyway.


Dirty Sexy Money left a couple of cliffhangers.


Fire Walk With Me is a good film in my opinion, but I think it pissed many because it is a prequel.


Clone High.


Lois and Clark "The New Adventures of Superman"

Where the hell did that baby come from? I have wanted to know for over 10 years now.

