What's the best season?

Ok i started watching reruns this year and I have to say, this show is hysterical. I wish I caught it back when it was on UPN and it's too bad it didn't make it to the CW. I've seen a handful from the 1st and 4th seasons, which season is the best? My favorite episodes have to be the one where Chris thinks his bike is stolen from Fat Mike....."You guys ever heard of Corleone?"....These fools never heard of Harvard!" haha love that quote and the one where Julius gets the job at the fishery


The best seasons were the first 2 seasons. Once Chris got older he got corny. Still like the whole series though, and the show did run on the CW, now WPIX in the NYC area. I used to watch it on that network once in a while, but didn't really get into it until it started airing on Nick @ Nite.
