can it make a comeback?

I think the premise is a good one, and could still work today. Wonder if they would consider remaking it? Melinda and Jim would probably not be together since the actor who plays Jim is in another series. However, since she now has a child, there would be some interesting stories based around being a single mom with a teen who is a ghost whisperer?

What do you guys think?


It could definitely be brought back! I would like for Melinda and Jim to still be together, though. They could build on Aiden's abilities and how they work with Melinda's. AND, they could wrap up all the Sally Stitch and the crazy, head shaking guy in the morgue! That drives me crazy!!!! #bringbackghostwhisperer


Agree. I hope she considers it.


It definitely could, it's interesting enough. I would like it though if Melinda and Jim stayed together though


You are not the only one who thinks about it coming back. The thought behind the stories was wonderful and then when Aidan came on the show with more abilities than his mom, I could have hugged him and taken him home. CBS said they were losing money but I sincerely doubt that. It's a wonderful show and gives you pause to think about whst does happen after death?


I would only want a comeback if JLH and David Conrad came back and David Conrad had a much more involved character.



Both are doing other shows...maybe later could work, though keep them together and maybe a younger bro and or sis in there with gifts of own that could help wrap up those "lost" unsolved issues, but think would only work as a short season of really done well, completing as best they can, the stories that had no ending. But if not, then no and that would include getting new actors to play the parts, no one else could do it justice, that and most are never anywhere as good as the original, have they not already proved that. And considering at least the show had a better ending than...

adding this, first time double posted the same thing, so deleted, dont need copy meself

Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄


I would love to see this comeback, they should have never taken it off.


Well with Jennifer on "Criminal Minds" it seemed impossible. But now she's left the show after one season so a revival show is plausible to happen. But it won't be anytime soon since her taking time off of "Criminal Minds" was so she can spend time to raise her child she's pregnant with. They so need to do a revival. The show should have never ended and could have been on it's TENTH season right now.


I think Ghost Whisperer movies would be great if a comeback series is out of the question. I would love to see what been going on in Melinda's life since we last saw her. Someone out there should make it happen. Bring back Ghost Whisperer!


I read this.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **
