The most human show ever

As the saying goes (apparently) nothing makes us more human than our own mortality. This show captures it so well.

The only things I did not like were some of the goodbyes in series were so incredible sappy and cringe worthy. And some loose ends that were never tied up, like ***SPOILERS*** Sally Stitch and the man with the Black Hat. Other than that, this series is wonderful.

The characters of Rick and Eli are great. Eli is hilarious. Delia and Ned are great. Andrea I enjoyed as well. Jim was awesome as the understanding husband.

I watched all 5 seasons in (less) than a month.

I thought the writing was terrific for majority of the show, however I felt they missed quite a few opportunities to explore more things. But CBS cancelled after 5 seasons, so I guess that was that then.

Jennifer Love Hewitt was great as the lead character.

This is a fantastic show, exploring some incredible themes and concepts.
