Top 5 saddest HIMYM moments

My opinion:

#5: Lily leaves Marshall for SF
#4: Tracey talks to Max
#3: Marshall's dad's butt dial
#2: Barney taking down the basketball hoop
#1: Lily tells Marshall his dad died

These are just my Top 5, what additions/deletions would everyone make?


#5.when Barney breaks up with Nora to be with Robin but she chooses Kevin over him
#4.Ted s speech to the mother at the end of the episode the time travellers.
#3.when ted tells lily how much he loves Robin and she deserves to end up with him after Barney and Robin get engaged (really underrated scene)
#2.the basketball hoop scene with Barneys dad.
#1.marshall s dad's death


Very good list. The Barney-Nora break up scene barely missed my cut. The look on Barney's face when Robin shook her head conveyed such raw emotion and pain. Truly terrific scene.


For some reason the Barney sad moments will always get me...
Neil Patrick Harris can really convey raw emotion with his subtle acting...
Other actors some times overdo it...


I completely agree. NPH was by far the straw that stirred the drink in this show and he could use a mere facial expression to generate a thousand emotions. Truly a universal talent.


I always loved the scene where Tracy plays La Vie en Rose


I think your list is pretty much perfect. Currently rewatching, and at the very least the top 3 are just unbeatable.


Thank you, I appreciate that. And thank God for Netflix


5. Marshall getting the job offer for his dream job at the worst possible time (Idk if this is the saddest or just the most frustrating actually. It actually made me mad).
4. Every scene where Ted is heartbroken/his faith in the universe is shaken. (Specifically the locket scene and when he discusses it with Lily).
3. Time Travelers Episode (stole this from another poster though)
2. Symphony of Illumination
1. Marshalls Dad
