The ending sucks

I know this has been said so many times already,but just a reminder


Its been said, but it needs to be said.... so many better ways it could have ended


Like what? Any precise ideas?


I'm not writer but: For starters, maybe let the whole obsession/emotional-carousel with Robbin finally die. And two, let Barney evolve and not make him regress to season 1 behavior at the end, because its creepy in season 9, and not-at-all funny.


Hey I agree the ending sucked.
But the whole show is quite weak, so why expect a wonderful end?

To me it becomes tired and thin by season 4. It gets repetitive and grating and repulsive.
It has funny bits now and then, amongst lots of missed or forced ones. If you keep only the good and needed ones, 5 seasons are enough and would lead to a better conlusion.


I drifted away from the series but did watch the last episode - and you're correct, it sucked.
