MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Two episodes left.What can save.......

Two episodes left.What can save.......

This season?


Torch the BMOL.
Torch Mary.
Torch Lucifer.
Have Toni drop dead from lack of oxygen precisely one second before the boys manage to open the door/crack open a window.

I'll be back with more suggestions. Too much salt in my blood right now so I'm not even touching the Crowley situation.


I think the operative word here is "torch".

Torch it all, IMO, seriously. Start from scratch in season 13, ignoring as much of season 12 as possible, because I don't think this season can be salvaged. It's a lost cause.

As for 13, Dabb has to go - He. Has. To. Go! And Singer too, if at all possible.

The Js have to get involved, especially Jensen. There is no way in hell he can be happy with how awful and stupid his character has been portrayed this year.


That's exactly where I am, PA.

I don't care about anybody getting redemption, any explanations, any closure, any attempts at making any of this make sense. Just torch it all with Dean's lighter and I'll agree to forget any of it ever happened.

What season 12?

See, easy! Poof! :D


Hell at this point I'd be ok with a dream scenario.


Lol, Cassiopeia mentioned the Bobby shower scene from Dallas and I'm all for it.

Dean feel asleep after Chuck removed the soul bomb. At the end of 12.23 he wakes up in the park dazed and confused, calls Sam and says "dude, I had the weirdest dream".

Roll credits.

I won't complain about it one bit.


That would be awesome.


Yes torch Mary, Ketch, Toni, Dr Hess, but please not The Bunker. I love the place. When they first discovered it I wanted one badly. It's going to be interesting to see how they escape. I'm really hoping they're not writing to get the guys out is to blow up the place.

Torching Lucifer might be a bit redundant. Fires of Hell and all that.



Been worried about the bunker for a while. I like it because I like the boys having a nice home but I wouldn't be devastated if they lost it. I remember some producers saying they were keeping it because it was expensive to build and perfect for indoor filming but that was years ago.


Well, if the Stynes could find way in without a key, and everything else seems to be able to walk through the doors, I'd say making some homemade explosives to blow the doors off would be the easiest thing to do, or you know . . . un-reverse the airflow problems. Neither of those things would destroy the bunker though, not that I particularly care about the bunker one way or the other. Baby is their home, even now.


Nothing. Nothing can change what we've watched over the course of 21 weeks. It can't be forgotten. It can't be fixed. The only thing they can do is get rid of Dabb, the NepDuo, and any new writers who only care enough about the show to buy wholesale into Dabb's version of it without really delving into the show's past. Then they need to replace them with new people who respect the show's history and who will return Sam and Dean back to being the focal point of the show in season 13. This show may be all about family, and that includes the family BTS, but when it comes to the writers and showrunners, keeping it in the family has done the show no favors. All it's created is a limited, no-talent, gene pool.


The French Mistake Part II
Dean and Sam come to our dimension/universe, kill of the lazy writers and travel back to the point in time in their dimension/universe before season 11 (and preferably, before Dean killed Death).


I would like this if I could, but I can't, so I'll just say I like this post. :)


This might be depressing for most of us. Amy asked the J's at the AHBL M&G how they felt about the season. They had high praise for Dabb and really loved the relationship between the brothers. So it sounds like what we have is what we are going to get here on out.


Well I can see why Jared likes Dabb, because instead of splitting duties between the brothers, he's making the writers give absolutely everything to Sam while Dean stands off to the side and drools.

If Jensen is content, then that means he's given up and doesn't give a damn anymore, which further means there is no hope for Dean fans. Before this season Jensen has never been happy with Dean doing nothing, standing off to the side drooling, and not even being able to hold or shoot a gun. Everything that's happened this year is the antithesis to what he used to like about the character, and exactly everything he'd normally complain about.

So if he's perfectly happy with Dean being so thoroughly deconstructed, where before he'd complain about it, then it's because he no longer cares and is just happy collecting a paycheck for doing no work and marking time to the end.

Unless the CW is unhappy, I guess the few remaining Dean fans may as well give up entirely and move on.

So, yes, this is disappointing to hear. OTOH, it's Amy who is someone that hates anyone daring to complain about anything. She's just happy with Dean standing there blinking, farting, and looking cute, and is one of those fans who doesn't care if he does nothing. She just wants the brothers in the same room at all times. So it really depends on what she asked and how she asked the question. And in reading her post, it's interesting that it's only Jared who answers the question. She claims Jensen sat there nodding, but she doesn't actually quote him. So, again, I'm not entirely convinced.

Jared loved Gamble too, where Jensen was bitterly unhappy with her. And much the same thing happened in season six - though, obviously, not as bad as it's happening now.


Well, they all probably get along well. If Jared needs to be home Thursday afternoon, Dabb probably says - ok we'll film around you. I once worked for someone who was fun and kind - unfortunately the department fell apart under her management and someone mean and dedicated was appointed. A leader must have certain qualities.

Dabb is not paying attention. He's forgotten the show is about heroes and monsters, not meanie Brits. And the Js are not really that involved. Just watch any panel. If questions become too specific about any plot or reason for a character to do this or do that during an episode - the J's are usually flummoxed. Sometimes Dean will get into it, but mostly they skim any question that becomes too involved in terms of SL.

The Js and Ms are excellent actors and they will protect and champion their characters. I have no qualms about that. But we have to remember they're at the mercy of editing and the many other scenes they're not part of - not to mention the direction of the season. They laugh about watching an episode here and there. But they're not dedicated and fixated like the rest of us. And the fans they meet at conventions are sure not going to complain - it's squee all the way.

They have the power to change a few lines here & there, but not story direction. Jensen can probably say 'this is stupid, Dean would never say these words'. ( Why didn't he balk at the... 6 weeks lock up is worst than 40 years of tortured in hell?)

However, surely Jensen notices the lack of Dean badass action. I know he loves doing it. He enjoys the choreography that goes into fight scenes. It's his bag. And it's been missing all season. Dean has spent most of his time rolling about on the ground.

Anyway, the recent bad reviews and plummeting ratings must be a wake up call for TPTB. There'll be meetings over the summer I'd think. The NepDuo needs to be put out to pasture or sent off to write for a children's show.


Well #FireLemmingBuck trended the night of their episode. The ratings are not great. If Berens and Dabb don't knock it completely out of the park next week it won't matter how happy the talent is.
The J's didn't live tweet very many or any episodes this season so they may be unaware of cut scenes that they worked hard on. Plus they were both pretty busy with babies and other businesses. We'll see what happens but I think what we have is what we are going to be stuck with.


( Why didn't he balk at the... 6 weeks lock up is worst than 40 years of tortured in hell?)

In fairness, we don't know that he didn't. He didn't want Dean to rock out to Taylor Swift, but they made him do it anyway. Also, he's the only one who seemed to remember Dean had been to hell, because he added the hesitation before going down those stairs last year, so maybe he did think it was a stupid thing to say. We'll just probably never hear it.


I see the question as leading. The brothers seem so damn tight this season, isn't that great? Of course they're going to say that they're happy that they aren't fighting over manufactured angst, which is what I get from that question and answer.

I know many more people who don't see the brothers relationship that way this season. The brothers are getting along, but it takes more than saying 'we' or 'us' and having them stand next to each other in a shot to make them seem close . . . if that makes sense? I wouldn't put any stock in this, because like I said, the question was leading and really only left room for 'Yes,' or 'No, we're unhappy with the way the brothers are being written this season even though you seem to think they're tighter than ever . . . that doesn't make you think that we don't want them to be brothers, does it? That's sort of our bread and butter . . . better just say yes.'


I so agree about the brothers relationship. Just because they aren't fighting doesn't mean that the portrayal is one of an emotional connection. In fact do any of the characters have an emotional connection to any other character? I would rather see some real anger and hurt between them than the casual banter we are getting now.

Also Amy does put a ''squee" slant on her interpretations of anything that the J's or TPTB might say.


In fact do any of the characters have an emotional connection to any other character?[/quote]

Not that I've been able to see. Crowley's been annoying it up with Lucifer. Cas has been weird for a while now. Certainly not with Dean and Sam or any of them with Mary. Maybe the closest I've been able to see is Ketch with Mary in the last couple of episodes.

[quote]I would rather see some real anger and hurt between them than the casual banter we are getting now.

Me too. If you're hurt by something someone does or says, it means you care enough about the other person to be hurt by them. If you express anger about it, then it means you care enough about the cause to stand up for it or you or the other person depending on why there's anger. Both of these things would get annoying to watch for an extended period of time, but they're very human emotions, and they aren't supposed to be robots.
