Who Dies In The Finale

Do you think the writers have the guts to kill of Castiel? Or what are your predictions?


Only if Misha wants to leave. I don't think he is leaving but I could be wrong.


I don't think they'd kill Castiel off permanently, but Crowley? They've got Mark P. signed up as a regular, so would they keep Mark S. too or think that there can only be one King of Rotten? On the other hand, they've already given us their poorly hidden attempt at a fake out with Crowley. Would they follow through in the finale as a 'Gotcha!' or are they done? My guess is that Rowena isn't long for the show. I really hope I'm wrong.


With Mark P. in the credits as a regular, I still feel like someone else is leaving, and the most likely candidate is another regular like Mark S./Crowley. Sure, I think they'd try a Walking Dead gotcha - they try ripping off other shows all the time, being as creatively bankrupt as they are.

They've done so little with Rowena that I'd be surprised to even see her again in the next two episodes, but I hope they don't kill her off. I agree that unless Misha wants to finally bolt for the hills, Castiel is safe even though the showrunners are clueless what to do with him.

I'd dance in the streets if they sent Mary back to heaven, or hell which is where she really belongs. But she's Dabb's favorite Winchester, and if he really is going for a Wayward daughters spin-off, I feel like he plans to make her integral in that project. Of course, the CW can't help but note how unpopular Mary is, so they might tell Dabb to ditch her. If he does he's going to hate even more the Winchester brothers.


I feel like he plans to make her integral in that project. Of course, the CW can't help but note how unpopular Mary is, so they might tell Dabb to ditch her.

I mean, I didn't think WW had a chance before but with Mary on deck, the show's doomed. It would be nice if the CW told Dabb to ditch Mary. That experiment was a disaster and the sooner it ends, the better.


They don't.


I don't think they will or they wouldve left him gone after the levithans and with Furgus's mother Rowena here to stay we may have Crowley around for a while longer.


But do we know that Rowena's here to stay? I'm actually very worried that she might die in the finale. There's also a scene in the trailer that almost 90% means she's in trouble.


I'd be very surprised if they kill off Castiel. He owns a big chunk of fandom. They're not that stupid surely.

My money's on Mary. By now TPTB must realize the character has gone over like a lead balloon. They'll redeem her then kill her - and we're all supposed to reach for the Kleenex as the final credits roll.

The only other annoyance that needs to die (or be caged) is Lucifer. He's about as scary and evil as a rutabaga!


My bets are on Rowena in episode 22 and Crowley, Mary and Kelly in episode 23.


I'm thinking Rowena is safe (can't die spell+ the whole book of the dead factor). She's​ sitting on alot of knowledge. But that's just MOP.


I agree with JP Rowena has amo behind her to protect her from death. She came back the last time when Lucifer tried it on. I have a hunch it could be Mary, but Garth and Claire are on my radar too. It's been 5 years since Gamble killed of Cas so it could be possible, but he was badly injured with Michael's lance, so doubt it will be him so close to that episode. I can't see it being Lucifer since he's been made a regular, but that could change.


I really hope she is. She's my 4th favorite character on the show. I'll be so annoyed if she leaves.
I swear if they kill Billie, Tasha, Alicia-sorta, Eileen and Rowena but Mary gets to live, I'm gonna punch something in the face.


A bloodbath!!!


Basically yeah.

Mary it feels like to me is being set up to be redeemed then killed seeing how Mark P staying on means she is unlikely to be a vessel for Lucifer anymore.

And if Mark P is staying on and seeing how he hasn't been utilised in any real sense this season what is the point of Mark S? And without Crowley why have Rowena and even in terms of story Rowena is a real danger to Lucifer so killing her stone dead is probably going to happen.

I can't see much hope for the end of this season at all.


Mark P is staying on? I didn't know that. I was hoping Luci would be back in his cage by the end of the season. Mark's a good solid actor, no complaints there, but Lucifer has become an embarrassment. They need to stop writing him as a joke and make him actually a force of evil to be reckoned with.

Same thing with Crowley. He works best when mischievously scheming, always looking out for himself and being one jump ahead. The version we're getting now is just plain annoying.

As I've said before, my money's on Mary being redeemed and then sent off back to heaven. Dean's really crying - not just single man tears.


I am so confused, round and round we go, the theories are getting more and more outlandish! I bet Dabb is really happy that we are all desperately trying to work out what will happen, exactly what he wants!!!! Like a lot of people it took me a little time to warm to Rowena but I really really like her now and would be extremely upset if she is the one that gets killed off, not only because I like her but it is then totally possible that that will be it i.e. she won't be back (unlike other characters who might well come back if they are killed off). I want it to be Mary so badly that it almost definitely won't be! I think that because Dabb and most of the writers have got everything, well almost everything, wrong I am even more worried that what snippets we have are not going to be nearly as bad as reality - you wouldn't guess it but I am usually a glass half full person as opposed to a glass half empty one. There is a lot of talk on PTV that this season is all a dream that either Dean or Sam is having but unfortunately i don't buy that too many anomalies IMO. I would be sad to see Misha go, but I haven't liked most of the story lines they have given him for some time now but again that is on the writers, the character has a lot of potential still. My greatest wish though is that Dean and Sam are again the front and centre of the arc if they have one and the MOTW stories as well I miss them and if they continue to be side characters then I will probably just have to give up on SPN.


I think the thing I saw on PTV that threw me the most was that Dabb said this was going to be the most meta finale we've had. Now, to be fair, I can't think of a single finale that could be classified as meta, so it wouldn't take it much to make it more meta than the rest, but how does that mesh with what we've seen in the promo?


I've been confused all season.lol


My greatest wish though is that Dean and Sam are again the front and centre of the arc if they have one and the MOTW stories as well I miss them and if they continue to be side characters then I will probably just have to give up on SPN.

I agree wholeheartedly.


