Mark Sheppard leaving


Just thought I would have a look and both Jensen and Jared follow Mark on twitter - considering Jensen only follows 26 people that is a pretty exclusive club for him to be in - which makes it even more surprising that we have not heard anything from them. Possibly they have been told to keep quiet?


I have to wonder if a behind the scenes battle between Mark and the powers that be have made it difficult for the Js to say anything either way. You would think their wouldn't be a problem saying goodbye if they wanted to though. Very strange.


Good for him! Crowley was a great character and Mark Sheppard made him even greater. But the writing was just so painfully bad the last few seasons (since the beginning of S 10) that I'm glad he got out in time (before it turns 100% into a soap opera). Crowley was a well established character: extremely canny, charming in a devilish way, machiavellian cross-roads demon, aspiring King of Hell, knowledgeable in all things supernatural, brave (going against Azazel's and Lilith's plan to free Lucifer, i.e. Lucifer himself) and the most intelligent supernatural being in the show (always had a plan B and even if he lost, he won - pun intended). And then came season 10. Suddenly, this self-serving entrepreneur becomes infatuated with Demon Dean and we have the (b)romance ending with the "Lonely Girl" photo - session on Crowley's phone. Then, his long lost mother, who has no love for him, appears and manipulates him (yes, he is aware, but still looks like a mama's boy in front of his Court), double-crosses him with the anti-MoC spell and leaves him helpless to be killed by rabid Castiel. The next season we have Lucifer mistreating and humiliating him. And the final season cements the opinion that the once smartest demon obviously suffered major brain damage somewhere along the way, when instead of putting Lucifer back in the cage (which is the greatest punishment for Lucy, as well as the safest place for him to be) and retaking his throne and power, he decides to keep his archenemy and to have to be vigil for ever over the possibility that Lucifer get's free, all-along knowing that Lucy has supporters among the demons. Still, Crowley was the reason that I was still watching, because in spite of all stated above, Mark Sheppard gave such a performance in portraying him that it was worth watching trough all the other nonsense. I am sure that Sheppard will get more great roles, because where ever I watched him he gave a both excellent and memorable performance.


I thought the demise of Crowley's character began when they introduced Mommy. I said at the time I hated that storyline.


Just in case you thought he was trolling, or there was some kind of grand scheme to keep his return hidden . . .


As an aside, since we don't really have a Crowley/Mark appreciation page, and both are gone from the show now anyway, I thought I'd put these here.


Gosh - she looks like her dad, doesn't she?


She really does.


Here's an interview with Mark about his music career.


It's like saying goodbye to an old friend. However old season regulars, demised or not, still make the odd appearance, and I think we'll see Crowley and Rowena at some point again. It feels like Supernatural might do one last dash before a big goodbye.


I hope so, as I don't want it to be the end for either character love them to bits.

It's a real shame it's come to this.


Well we are getting a little more information - some of the tweets after speaking to him at Armageddonexpo:
Mark S.: "Getting rid of Crowley was because they were bored and didn't know what else to do" #Armageddonexpo

No probs! I had a long chat with him at the cocktail party. He LOVES the show, the cast & fans. NO NASTIES. Just lazy writing and boredom.

He was really NOT nasty. He just didn't feel like his character was getting anywhere. He loves the show and hopes it will carry on 4 a while

LAZY WRITING - boy can we agree with that!


Poor Mark, I do really feel for him and his departure will always leave a huge void with me. I love the character so much and still feel very upset that he won't be coming back. I thought he would be here until the end, and his character ends up taking his own life, so very sad and a poor exit if I am brutally honest. Crowley was worth so much better than that ...

I am really gonna miss our KING!

Supernatural Blog: With different writers .....


I really, really, really hate Dabb.


Do you think this is why they got rid of Rowena because they knew that Mark was leaving, and couldn't see a role for her without Mark? Is it that petty?

Supernatural Blog: With different writers .....


Probably and yes that is petty.

What happened to Rowena and Crowley was lazy writing and TPTB being up their own arses. They introduced Rowena who was overtly British and had a connection to the Men of letters and when the introduce the British Men of letters without one single member coming from outside the South East of England they do nothing that gives it any real weight to prove it is actually The BRITISH men of letters and not the Nazi men of letters or showing they get the world is complex

Instead they stuck to whole boys working with bad foreign people, with Mary as part of a death squad, Sam now happy with genocide and then to add insult to injury make Crowley tied into them before having Sam and his rag tag bunch of half trained red shirts take out the big bad organisation. They should have just shouted 'USA,USA,USA' for three quarters of the season. It is basically what that story line boils down to.

To be honest I think Mark and Ruth are much better out of it if the writing is this bad.


What a real ***** mess and state of affairs.




I really loved Dabb as a writer way back from S4, but lately he's not doing a fantastic job. I think he's let fans down in a big way. That both shocks and saddens me, because I have been a huge, huge fan of his and was one of the first writers I really got attached to. And then for things to turn so sour I didn't really want to admit it to myself. Sorry for using really a number of times, but I am really tired of his writing at present. I cannot believe I've said that.


No problem, Bella, vent away. I know you liked his writing. I lost faith in him in "Alpha & Omega" as it was the first real taste of the nightmare his direction as a showrunner was going to be. So much was wrong with that episode, I knew I wouldn't like season 12 and said so in the Winchesterland thread during the pre-season 12 hiatus. Every single thing I feared has come true and then some.


It's not like you to not like a season Vee, I just don't know what has happened to him as a writer, because in the past all the episodes he's written I've loved. Then as soon as he gets promoted to showrunner, it's like he's done a complete U-Turn. I really thought he loved both brother's but now not so sure. I hate the thought I am dissing him but it's strongly looking more likely the more I read posts here fans are really fed up with him. Carver was similar when he took over and hoped Dabb would be the same, once he settled in things would be okay again. But doubt it this time. It's a sad day for me when I knock my favorite writer.


* virtual hug *
Maybe you'll enjoy season 13 more :)


Hugs back Vee, S12 wasn't as bad as S8 has been for me. Sam not looking for Dean still leaves a bad taste in my mouth and didn't think Carver could do that to Sam. I need to really watch S12 again and get a bit more of a feel for it. But wasn't over keen. Maybe S13 will improve for all of us.


Somebody on tumblr collected more of what was said.


Wow...Mark didn't pull any punches where Dabb was concerned. I agree. When Dabb is done with a character he doesn't give a crap how they go out.
So it looks like my theory was kind of right. When Dabb doesn't know how to wrap up a season or what to do with his characters he just starts killing them off.

Honestly all through S12 the feeling I got was that Dabb was kind of bored with the whole Winchester/brother/Castiel/Crowley story. I would bet he would love to kill off the brothers as well.


Honestly all through S12 the feeling I got was that Dabb was kind of bored with the whole Winchester/brother/Castiel/Crowley story. I would bet he would love to kill off the brothers as well.

That I absolutely believe, and I think Dabb has made it crystal clear he has no love for the original characters/relationships/stories/etc. For sure he'd fire Jensen immediately if he could get the permission to do so, probably Misha too. I think his pushing Sam to the forefront is less about loving Sam and more about choosing him over Dean if he is being forced to write for a Winchester brother. But, yes, when all is said and done he'd do away with Sam too if he could.

But Dabb will not get permission to fire those three guys, at least not Jensen and Jared. He might get permission to do away with Castiel/Misha before the very end of the series, but the CW and WB will insist he keep the brothers through to the end.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's going to care about them and have them written well. Chances are much higher that he's gong to continue to screw them over - certainly at the very least he'll continue to screw over Dean as he had done almost all of season 11 and 12.


I would bet he would love to kill off the brothers as well.

He's certainly doing his best to make them irrelevant.


I love that he's speaking out about this. Part of me wants him to drag the hell out of Dabb but I also don't want Mark to experience any backlash or gain a reputation as a difficult actor.


I hope so too.

Tho Mark unlike the others does have a long history of genre roles and the convention circuit so outside of the J' s he's probably the most secure to go to town on the writing now he's out.

The likes of Ruth and Shosannah and even Misha would probably have no choice but to keep their mouths shut about the worst of things. Because Dabb is probably only keeping Misha around because Cas fans went mad.


Yeah, Mark won'y have any problem landing on his feet.
I just feel like he has a lot to say and is holding back.


Yeah I think he is more than narked and he will land on his feet.

The question is now how much is the rest of the cast is asking him to hold back more than he wants.

Because like it or not Jensen, Jared and Misha still have to work with Dabb and Singer and with the exception of Jared the others seem to be having a hard time getting anything out of Dabb for their characters.


He has it would appear now deleted Jensen from his twitter list but seems to have kept Danneel also unfollowed both Rob and Rich all seems a bit odd - continues to follow Jared and Genevieve.


What makes this even sadder is that Dabb is screwing over real people and not just fictional characters. Mark is deservedly loved for all the time he has put into the conventions and his interactions with the fans. Rowena wasn't popular at first but Ruth really won people over. How they got rid of both was horrible and completely mishandled. Now Mark is cutting all ties and this has all become real. Real people getting screwed over and no one is stepping in to defend them or punish those that caused it.


Yikes. How did Jensen go from guest at the wedding to deleted lol.
If I remember correctly, Jensen deleted Mark a while ago.


I think Mark is slowly deleting all ties to SPN. I mean, he still plays in Rob's band at Creation cons, yet he unfollowed him too. He'll eventually unfollow everyone from SPN - and I think it's a way of distancing himself from everything to do with the show.

He doesn't seem to have any problem with the actors, according to what he's saying now. Though who knows, we may hear something different later. But if he's sincere then he's not unfollowing out of dislike. I think his experience with Dabb and Singer, and maybe to some extent Carver, has soured him on a job and character he really loved at one time, and he's at the stage of wanting to cut out the entire cancer.
