MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > I swear to god if Mary comes back....

I swear to god if Mary comes back....

Can we please just have someone die and stay dead on this show please? It really takes away from the impact of peoples deaths when Sam and Dean have like 30 different options to bring someone back to life after they die. Soon as they found out Mary died "Whelp lets go get Rowena, ok lets contact Billie, ok lets make a deal".

Literally if Sam got shot in the head it wouldn't impact me at all cause i know they'd just find some way to get him back. Death needs to start being more permanent on this show. I mean can we add up how many times Sam and Dean have died and came back? its gotta be 5 or 6 different times for each of them.

Its not really suspenseful on a show where the main characters are constantly put in danger cause even if they die you know they'll be brought back, so all the fight scenes and fights with big bads have almost no suspense.


That's what I felt about Season 13 with Gabriel's return it was pointless. They brought him back, made him kill Asmodeus and then they had that Loki episode explaining how he is still alive and then they kill him off again. I was thinking they would bring him back this season but they didn't do that. Also the previous episode before Gabriel dies again Sam dies again by vampires and then they had Lucifer resurrect him right after

I also felt Ketch still being alive is dumb as well. They had the great scene where Mary takes him out and then nope...he was using Rowena's resurrection charm and he's alive


Well what about Zachariah, all that hype of bringing back an old character from years ago. With about 3 lines, bam they struck him dead. What really was the whole point. I felt this after season 2 when Sam died for the first time in all hell breaks loose. So those early feelings have never changed. Gabriel was a total, total waste and a prime example of killing off amazing characters. I also keep thinking about Death, just to bring in a new Death who isn't a strong character like the old DEATH! As much as I like Billie, I miss Julian playing him. Like the AU character versions, it was just a fan service to bring back old favourites even though they were still similarities of the old character. This show has those tendencies which become tiresome. But they must be doing something right because we are still watching 14 years later.
