7.3 for what?

Honestly. The directing? The cinematography? The acting?
This movie failed to capture on so many levels. Okay to watch once but 7.3? No way!


It's been over a year since your post and it has risen to 7.4. Just proves that bad taste is an ongoing problem. 4/10.

Example of senility.http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2779/paintx.png


You both seriously need a hobby or something. Separate yourselves from your massive egos a little.


You've been an IMDb member since April 2014 and you have 3,128 ratings? You're the last person that should be telling someone to get a hobby, or something.

Example of senility.http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2779/paintx.png


OK, I guess comebacks aren't your hobby.


LOL whenever someone has to reference a join date you know you won that battle. Its like an 80 year old saying back in my day.... like they know something. Sure they might know something but dismissing a discussion by thinking you are somehow superior because of a "date" just makes ya pathetic.


IQ less than 100? You obviously misunderstood my completely coherent post. Badger has 3,128 ratings in just over a year and told us to get a hobby. Get it now? Why you were fixated on the join date is beyond me.

Example of senility.http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2779/paintx.png


Yea... I am fixated says the guy replying to a 6-month old thread. Let it go man. Fight that troll inside yourself.


Great film.


I agree, that this film has some issues, but overall it's quite an experience and a good film.

The production itself was hellish because the producer didn't pay the crew.
There was very little mony to make a movie of this size.

Watch what Herzog says himself at the end:

