MovieChat Forums > Rescue Dawn (2007) Discussion > Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?

Just curious. I'm a big fan of Christian Bale, and I like Werner Herzog, but I was told that this one was a bad film that neither should have gotten involved in. I find that hard to believe, but was he right?


It's not a bad film but I believe it could've been a lot better.


Yeah, I agree. Not bad but could have been much better.

But still, I don't think that I've ever seen a film where more people crapped in their pants!





If you´re a fan of Bale definitley worth watching.

This is probably his second best performance after The Machinist (IMO).


Wow, Bale's performance is *that* good? Not just because he lost a lot of weight again?

Most fingers point to watching it, so I've got my answer.

Thanks for all the opinions guys.


I can't help but think a lot of people were on glue while watching this, either that or they're so in love with Bale that they're blinded to everything else.


You've probably watched it by now, but I thought the film was bad. When I saw it in theaters I remember almost falling asleep it was so bad. Im not a Bale fan, but I came to that realization recently, so I thought he was nothing special in this film and I'm not quite familiar with Herzog but he seems to be very similar in style to Terrence Malick who I can't say I like or dislike (I love Badlands, but hate Thin Red Line) so it might not have been the best movie for me to get introduced to Herzog with. Overall, I just didnt like the film, thought it was a poorly done war film with nothing there to keep my attention.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


Murphy's right. I've seen it. And I'm in agreement with the majority of you guys. It's good, but not great. The cast's dedication is definitely worth mentioning, but they could have done things different imo. Still, I don't regret it.


The film is an attempt to give a realistic portrayal of a guy captured in a Vietcong prison camp and escaping from it. Unfortunately, they changed so much of the orriginal (REAL!) story the film is too distant from reality to really be of any relevance. Also, they made Bale's character such an arrogant prick it's hard to care for him at all...

Should you watch it? If you can pick it up in a bargain bin, I'd say yes. Otherwise, you might want to reconsider your options...


Unfortunately, they changed so much of the orriginal (REAL!) story the film is too distant from reality to really be of any relevance. Also, they made Bale's character such an arrogant prick it's hard to care for him at all...

Not this garbage again. For the last time, the family of Gene DeBruin is not providing the "real" story. It's simply a different POV, another facet of who he was (from people who remember him before he went to war, but who weren't there in the camp - but since Herzog isn't showing him in his life before the camp, it's irrelevant). Contrary to what you say, not all that much was changed and Herzog has little to apologize for. The core story is mostly accurate.

And Bale's character is not a just arrogant prick. The point is that he PLAYS at a confidence he doesn't always feel in order to keep his own morale up. Take a closer look at the scenes where no one is around. He allows his fears to show and he looks beaten down and demoralized. But when he has an audience, he smiles and projects a cocky swagger that vanishes when there's no one left, when Dwayne's dead and he's all alone in the jungle. Then he's just hanging on to his sanity by a thread.



What HappyWarrior said.

Also, Dengler's confidence is more of a child-like enthusiasm crossed with a refusal to be beaten down by any circumstances. That aspect of his character is strongly contrasted in the movie with the attitudes/characters of his fellow prisoners, which is where Gene DeBruin possibly comes off a bit hard done by.

For what it sets out to achieve it is a very good movie (with the exception of the very end, but the rest more than makes up for that).


Don't listen to those people. It's really good. I'd recommend it without hesitation. You like Herzog? You like Bale? Ok then.
